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How would you improve the United States government?

Asked by JLeslie (65513points) September 23rd, 2023 from iPhone

I went to a presentation yesterday about suggestions to improve the US government. Some of the suggestions were:

- To have a direct election by the people for Speaker of the House. He didn’t mention how long the Speaker’s term might be.

- Reduce presidential power, he cited executive orders. He also said he feels the main job of the Executive branch is to execute the laws l, meaning to see that they are followed.

- 6 year term for president and no re-election.

- Term limits on supreme court justices or some sort of rule that each president replace two justices.

- No pension type benefits for congressmen; they only get paid while in office.

- Get rid of the electoral college. He even entertained minor changes to make it more fair, like states not giving all electoral votes to one candidate based on the majority, but a more representative amount of votes.

He started with the basic premise that the US is a country of 50 states not 50 states that form the US. He said if you don’t agree with that you probably won’t agree with many of his suggestions.

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