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Is it ethical to bring a friend to a funeral to introduce her to potential suitors?

Asked by Call_Me_Jay (13868points) January 13th, 2024

I have a friend who is single, beautiful, intelligent and funny. Of course I am in love with her.

She is a war refugee, with poor English skills and living below her intellectual potential. She was an accountant in the old country, now working in a warehouse.

I am so in love with her that I don’t want a romantic relationship. She needs financial security I cannot provide. Not even close. I am happy to have a brotherly relationship. Maybe avuncular, as she is 45 and I am 60.

A friend of mine died recently, and all my close and almost-close friends will be attending the funeral. It is a decidedly upper-middle-class crowd. Lawyers, bankers, architects & their families/entourages.

She knows none of these people. Would it be appropriate to bring her as a “date” for the purpose of introducing her to my circle of friends?

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