Social Question

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

Why does being lonely hurt so much?

Asked by Vincent_Lloyd (3007points) October 16th, 2010

Just wondering…I mean I’m a lonely guy I guess…I like affection even though I don’t show it at school that much… Kinda makes me wonder though…I rarely ask for hugs but most of the time I get denied….Why does it hurt….?

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13 Answers

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

It hurts because you feel lonely and you think no one loves/likes you or something like that.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Oh, I’ll take this as an opportunity to share my new favorite little fact.

Loneliness and physical pain are processed in the same part of the brain. It is an evolutionary survival mechanism. We evolved to need others to survive, so our brain treats companionship just like it does food or water. That is the actual reason that it hurts so much.

On a less serious note, ((hugs)).

partyparty's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie That is such a lovely answer ((hugs)) to you!

ucme's avatar

Because as @TheOnlyNeffie points out, we’re essentially a pack animal. We thrive on company & indeed companionship. At least in theory.

thekoukoureport's avatar

Loneliness or longing for someone is natural. It hurts because you feel less about yourself. When I was a kid I used to sing “no body likes me everybody hates me”. So I feel for you.

If I may, I would like to offer some advice that I have used to help me and my children, it might let you look at this from a different perspective.

Love yourself, Be proud of who you are, find your sexy. It is not a look it is an attitude a belief in who you are that when you find it you will shine so bright that people will ask you for hugs.

And be nice to people behind their backs.

Brian1946's avatar

I used to be lonely until I started taking tiger hormone supplements.
Now I’m a supremely agile and solitary hunter- now I’m feelin’ no pain, dude!

marinelife's avatar

It has been said. Man evolved to be a social creature.

ducky_dnl's avatar

Because as @marinelife life stated, we are meant to be social creatures. Everyone likes to feel like they are needed and wanted. Some peole prefer being alone, while others need companionship. It’s just how peole are made I guess.

gravity's avatar

We all need to connect… just the way we were created. We were not meant to be alone. I agree with Neffie that emotions are played out in the physical body. Our emotions are directly related to the physical, emotional issues can manifest as physical pain or problems.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

You feel lonely once you’ve experienced the joy from sharing and being appreciated. After that, it’s a hard act to follow and the lonely feeling only intensifies the more good stuff you’ve had to contrast to.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

It hurts because your own kind is rejecting you. We are social animals and not having the affection makes us feel alone. As much as I hate most people I feel lonely without them.
I rarely get hugs and never ask for them. I recently saw my younger cousin and she gave me a million hugs. I forgot how good hugs felt. Any way I’m rambling.
I give you hugs. Not the same as real life hugs but still.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@daytonamisticrip yeah I know what you mean….I don’t ask that much, but the people I usually know offer and stuff and they feel good…But I would hug you!

lonelydragon's avatar

A lonely, unloved self feels like a bad self. You may think you aren’t deserving of love, and that’s not a happy thought. We need love and support from others. I know that sometimes we need physical contact, but you can always come to Fluther for support!

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