General Question

lilakess's avatar

What's the best size coffee ground to use in a French press?

Asked by lilakess (789points) January 17th, 2011

I’m using coarse, but I’m not sure…

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11 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Coarse is good.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I use coarse as well,but they still manage to slip through.

deni's avatar

I grind mine up prrrrreeeeetttty small. I wouldn’t say too coarse…even when I grind them too much they rarely slip in. So I get greedy and grind them a lot. I guess I’m just one of the lucky ones. lol

blueiiznh's avatar

A coarse grind works best for the French Press. This will ensure that the mesh screen will filter the coffee grounds and separate the liquid from the sediments.

963chris's avatar

on the other hand, a very fine grind works well for turkish + arabic coffee.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I barely crack my coffee beans for use in my stovetop percolator.

koanhead's avatar

Use a coarse grind and a long steep. I let the coffee steep for a minimum of 5 minutes before pushing down the plunger, usually I go for 8 minutes or more depending on how much bean is in there.

revcanon's avatar

Coarse grind is best. If you get it too fine, it will actually clog the filter, rather than the liquid passing through it as it should.

gailcalled's avatar

If you think it should be coarse grind, raise your hand.

jerv's avatar

Coarse grind and long steep is the way to go. I’dsay 10–15 minutes for a good, strong cuppa.

jca's avatar

I raise my hand to coarse grind and a long steep. water’s boiling hot anyway, so long steep is not a problem. Mmmmmm, coffee!

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