Meta Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

How many times do you ask a question on Fluther and if you were face-to-face, you would get back a blank stare?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) June 4th, 2011

I, for the most part, try to ask insightful, challenging, brain-titillating questions that make one rethink the way they thought of something or see it from a completely different way. But I pose the question and it is if this were a sitcom people would be staring back blankly with a cricket soundtrack running in the background. Does this seem to happen to you often? Does it seem your question goes right over someone’s head or they fail to get it?

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8 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

Sometimes. But that happened more often on Anserbag than here on Fluther…

Axemusica's avatar

Always… :/

incendiary_dan's avatar

I guess about a third of the time. Another third is stuff that would get me yelled at or struck in the wrong company, and another third is stuff people wouldn’t think twice about answering.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Ok, I’m going to answer the question I think you’re trying to ask, not the one you actually asked. Feel free to flag if I’m wrong or OT or unhelpful or whatever.

I don’t answer your questions (usually, almost always) because I answered a few a while back and was attacked for my answer – and it wasn’t even a particularly controversial topic. Since then, I’ve come to feel that there is absolutely nothing I can say to you to help you see my side of things, much less to actually change your mind. It’s not that I don’t think your questions are good – some are, some aren’t, same as everyone else’s – but rather your attitude once the question has been posed and the discussion starts.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I don’t answer your questions (usually, almost always) because I answered a few a while back and was attacked for my answer – and it wasn’t even a particularly controversial topic. First off if whichever question that was you felt attacked, I have to apologize to you, I never intend to attack anyone, even those who insinuate or flat out call me a fool or stupid because I choose to be a man of faith and not science. Because I don’t have hardly any interaction with you in any of my questions this question was not directed to or at you.

I’ve come to feel that there is absolutely nothing I can say to you to help you see my side of things, much less to actually change your mind. Though the ideal is not about converting one another if you never try or stop trying then whatever you have I will never know. There are many maybe most here on Fluther I don’t have an agreement with even 30%; there are some we agree on some issues 90% and others 3% but I don’t take their disagreement as an indictment of me or my character.

..but rather your attitude once the question has been posed and the discussion starts. And now the best part, what attitude do you believe I take once the discussion start? You can PM it to me if you want. I will debate hard but I always try to debate from a logical point of view, even things that are not apparent or seemingly improbable. I say bring your ‘A’ game because I am bringing mine. I am not trying to play dirty but I always play hard, if that seem like an attack can’t remember the thread sorry about that. It was not personal

”If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”

Margaret Thatcher

wundayatta's avatar

Ummm. A little help here. Can someone explain what that whacky @Hypocrisy_Central is going on about?

Cruiser's avatar

167 times as of today.

Blueroses's avatar

Well, I actually find it helpful to rinse the rice before I cook it because I got this great recipe at a potluck last week.

@Hypocrisy_Central I think you just illustrated the point of your question, if I read it correctly. You asked what would happen if you asked these questions in real life and some of the answers you are getting are only about your personal Fluther questions.

I wasn’t being entirely flippant in my first sentence. If I ask somebody something they don’t understand, in real life, they tend to answer with whatever unrelated thing was in their thoughts regardless of what I’m asking.

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