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josie's avatar

When did you first become aware of Hip Hop?

Asked by josie (30934points) June 23rd, 2011

I grew up in the Midwest, so I clearly was not there in NYC when Hip Hop originated in the 70s. Thus, I am sure my perception of the genre may not be based on the real thing. By the time it got to me, it may have been changed beyond recognition.

But I was obsessed with Tone Loc and Wild Thing (late 80s).
I absolutely could not get enough of that. I drove everybody crazy listening to it-I did not have ear buds then.
I think it has gotten progressively and distubingly profane and overly mysogynistic since then, and that is too bad. But those were great days.

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11 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

About 10 years ago when the dance school I attended began having classes in it. It looked like it took more energy than I had.

aprilsimnel's avatar

1979. I heard as a 10-year-old “Rapper’s Delight” blasting out of someone’s car radio. I thought, This sounds just like that “Good Times” song! (meaning the disco hit by Chic from the previous year) Why are they talking over it?

woodcutter's avatar

@josie That was my pick for strip club tunes. BAM BAM BAM…BAM .WAA WAA

josie's avatar

@woodcutter Great Choice!!!

jonsblond's avatar

I was about 14 or 15 when Run DMC, Public Enemy, Kurtis Blow and Fat Boys came to my attention. I loved it. That was 25 years ago.

Cruiser's avatar

It was that unmistakable bleeding in my ears.

wundayatta's avatar

Early 80s in NYC, and I saw the guys dancing on cardboard on the sidewalks. I’m not sure I was aware of what it was called, but I thought it was pretty cool.

woodcutter's avatar

I got as far as Earth Wind and Fire and Commodores then petered out.

ucme's avatar

1992, my granny was admitted to hospital for a hip op…...oh dear…..

meiosis's avatar

Didn’t Peter Rabbit hippety-hop?

OpryLeigh's avatar

I think I first started hearing it enough to know of the genre in the late 90’s but I only started appreciating it about 3 or 4 years ago.

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