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JonnyCeltics's avatar

When did wearing a t-shirt of a band at THEIR concert become such a bad thing? And why?

Asked by JonnyCeltics (2721points) May 6th, 2008
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20 Answers

richmarshall's avatar

I wasn’t aware it was a bad thing. What happened?

benjamin6's avatar

i thought it was a good thing. i went to the rage against the machine concert this past summer (one of their first since reuniting) and a ton of people there had their ten-year old rage shirts on…i thought it was pretty cool.

peedub's avatar

I think it’s RAD thing, especially if it’s old and crummy. I’ll joke about it, or make jest but why not geek out with some like-minded people.

aloha's avatar

I’ve heard the no band shirts to their concert rule since the 80’s. Urban legend has it that if you did it would jinx the show and the band would suck. Since then, it has evolved into a “stating the obvious” kind of thing. Nobody wants to be “that guy.”

MrKnowItAll's avatar

MrKnowItAll has not yet issued a ruling on this subject.

judochop's avatar

stupid hipsters ruin yet another cool thing.

ebenezer's avatar

it still has to be cooler than wearing another bands shirt to a show. I think history has shown that it is coolest not to wear a shirt.

nocountry2's avatar

I don’t like it if they buy the shirt there and put it right on, I think that’s just silly.

peedub's avatar

@nocun- What if the person buys it at the concert and cuts the sleeves off and put’s it on, and what if that concert happens to be Van Halen with no Hagar?

shrubbery's avatar

I went to see Iron Maiden on their Somewhere Back in Time tour and you were the odd one out if you weren’t wearing one of their t-shirts…

wildflower's avatar

I don’t see anything wrong with wearing the band’s t-shirts (although it be even better if it was actually one of the band member’s t-shirt…), but I do agree, it looks better if it’s not the same as 1500 people just bought at the stand….......although, I can understand why you’d put it on right away, you don’t want your hands full while jumping around at a concert…

Personally I’m not big on the standard t-shirts, so if I stock up on merchandise, I try to go for something more novel… last time I went to see Bon Jovi, I got a mug and a pair of these

TraceysBuns's avatar

You don’t wear the band’s t-shirt because it is, for lack of a better term, lame. You obviously like the band if you’re at the concert, and being at their concert shows enough support for said band that displaying them on your chest is unneccesary. Aloha is right- nobody wants to be “that guy.” And don’t get me started on people who wear a band’s shirt and don’t know the words to their songs.

nocountry2's avatar

@Peed – personal modification of said shirt is perfectly acceptable

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yea i usually stay away from wearing a band shirt to a show unless its like a really really old band shirt (showing support since back in the day) otherwise i tend to just wear an old shirt that i dont care about in case it gets ruined at the show.

I also never ever listen to the music of the band i am going to see on the day of the show.

Knotmyday's avatar

I always wear my band’s t’shirt to our shows. Mostly because they’re free. They make nice dishtowels too.

Emilyy's avatar

I think it’s funny how it’s “cool” to wear a team’s shirt to a sporting event, but “lame” to wear a band’s shirt to the concert. I agree that being at the event shows your support anyway…wearing the shirt is like trying to over-emphasize your love for the band.

However, I also think that it might depend on the band. The Iron Maiden concert might be full of people wearing the band’s shirt who all are considered “cool” in that venue. But if you were to go to a painfully hipstery show, you’d notice everyone trying to out-cool each other with vintage accessories and homemade duds and probably wouldn’t see anyone wearing the band’s tee.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

You should get the fluther t-shirt and wear that to concerts. Then we’ll all know you’re cool.

wilhel1812's avatar

i do it all the time. Well, usually i wear two. one of the band and one related band that i like.

wefrutes's avatar

It’s “cool” to wear a team’s shirt because you’re there to support them. They’re competing against someone/something else, obviously. When you go to a concert, they’re not necessarily “competing” to win the concert. They’re not going to gain more fans if people wear there own band T-shirt to their concert. Therefore, it’s lame.
I mean, I don’t know what kind of concerts you go to, but your comparison cannot make much sense.

mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe's avatar

well, I think that if you go to a concert, to see your favorite band on stage, it would be really nice if you wore the band’s shirt, because in that way you show that you LOVE them.

and I don’t care if others say that it’s lame, or the worst thing you can do. if my favorite band comes to my city for a concert, I’ll be there, wearing the band’s t-shirt and screaming all the time.

I don’t think that anyone would tell me not to wear the t-shirt

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