General Question

Garebo's avatar

Have you ever sold used Beanie Babies?

Asked by Garebo (3190points) February 18th, 2012

Wondering if there is any conceivable value in them any more. Circa 97 variety, have a bag of them, with tags, good shape, I want to remove, sell them, toss them or give them away.

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5 Answers

auhsojsa's avatar

I’ve watched a documentary about this. A lot of collectors were mad due to the value drop and the overall decline of the fad. I would go ahead and check out, Ebay, Collectors Guides, and Amazon. Perhaps you can go to a local flea market, or pass them down by selling them on the side walk to some little kids? Who knows, best wishes!

Garebo's avatar

I think your latter suggestion will be the ultimate destination.

zenvelo's avatar

Do yourself some good by giving them to a Women’s shelter. They always need little cuddlies for the young children that come in with their moms. And you can write off the full value as a tax deduction. But most importantly, you’ll feel good having given something that will soothe an upset child.

jca's avatar

The perceived value of Beanie Babies is way higher than the actual value, considering there are thousands of each out there. What makes any collectible valuable is it’s relative scarcity, in addition to other qualities like material and craftsmanship (Tiffany lamp, Chippendale desk). Baseball cards are another type of example. Most kids threw out their baseball cards long ago, and so the few that are out there are worth lots of money. Now that everyone sees what the old, rare ones are worth, they save boxes of them in pristine condition. What they don’t take into account is if there are thousands or millions of unopened boxes of baseballs cards in the world, they’re not going to be worth much. So the Beanie Baby fad was pretty much a “get their money while the fad is a fad” but there are thousands or millions of them, and all they’re made of is cloth, so you’re truly better off donating them somewhere.

Garebo's avatar

I appreciate the answers, but I was sort of leaping at possibilities, but sort of knew there was none. Now I know what to do with them. I was just thinking of the best way to remove the dusty things. So if you want any, let me know-there yours, some highly valued ones in good shape for free, otherwise they are in the fire pit screaming.

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