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LornaLove's avatar

I am looking for tasty vegetable smoothie recipes?

Asked by LornaLove (10037points) July 17th, 2013

The fruit variety seem easy. The veggie ones a tad harder?

Care to share some tasty ones? (All kinds but green seems the hardest to make appealing).

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6 Answers

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Unbroken's avatar

Anything with cabbage in it is good tasting. It is so nuetral it would be hard to make it a dominant flavor. Pair it with grapes or pears it is most certainly fine.

If you have sweet carrot or carrots with a bit of ginger, parsley, or nutmeg it is great even alone. But you have to have quality carrots though nice!

Anything with avocado makes it creamy and satisfying.

Spinach and beet greens or kelp or any type of such greens are mild tasting and great fillers.

Your tastes will change feel free to use spices and such. Experiment away until happy.

cheezehead's avatar

Check out a drink called NAKED. Google it or something they are amazing it tells you exactly what’s in them there’s one called GREEN MACHINE its my favorite by NAKED. They even tell you how many fruits and veggies the out in. Please check it out and give me your feedback I got so many people into this brand it helps you make your own homemade ones.

cheezehead's avatar

Go to a store that sells naked drinks you will surprised.

Unbroken's avatar

If you want actual recipes type in fat sick and nearly dead then visit joe’s blog.

Penycat's avatar

Check out Green Smoothie Girl’s website for recipes.

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