Meta Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Do you notice each time you are ”support lurved”?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) July 31st, 2013

When you get lurved, sometimes by the boat load, because you posted an answer that was inline, or supported what most other posters or viewers believed, do you notice? Even if it was a short one-sentence answer because it supported a point or idea others have they lurva you for it, not because it was a stellar answer.

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20 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No. And I don’t get GA that way.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@zenvelo And I don’t get GA that way
Every answer you received a GA was a brilliant, resounding answer even it it were a mere 10 word sentence, regardless of whether many others believed it supported their argument also?

jonsblond's avatar

Not all the time, but some lurva is special.

hearkat's avatar

I usually access the site from a mobile device, so I have to seek out my Lurve if I want to know. On the full site, I only see the ticker to the right of the page that lists the most recent Lurve points one has received. Other than that, I don’t know of notifications being sent.

dxs's avatar

I love getting lurved! A good answer is a good answer, and I give a GA to someone even if it is an opposing view that I can respect (if that’s what you’re talking about by “support lurve”). Lurve is unpredictable. I don’t follow it close enough to be able to conclude much.

woodcutter's avatar

I notice everything, but then quickly forget.

Berserker's avatar

I’m pretty sure all i get is pity larvae. But eh nah I don’t know, when I get lurve I can’t know what it was given for, especially when I don’t know who did it, unless they specify. I assume lurve gets handed out for different reasons. I do notice that I usually get the most larvae whenever I post some kind of joke or stupid answer or something, but that doesn’t fit with what you’re asking.

thorninmud's avatar

I try not to post toss-off answers anyway, so I can’t say I’ve put anything out there that got lurve just because of the side of the argument it fell on. “Support lurve” is a real phenomenon, but I don’t think it’s limited to the majority opinion (unless you’re a minority of one). People who are brave enough to speak their mind against the majority seem to get lurve from like-minded jellies as long as they’re acting as able spokesmen and not hurting the cause by being an embarrassment. The tally of GAs may be lower, but that’s just plain math.

The length of an answer doesn’t count for much at all in the economics of lurve, from what I’ve seen. Concision is usually rewarded in the flutherverse. People—even ideological allies—get put off by hard to follow or verbose posts.

zenvelo's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Thank you for noticing my brilliance.

I don’t use lurve as validation of my existence.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline I’m pretty sure all i get is pity larvae.
I can’t give out larvae, and I NEVER give you “pity lurva”; when you get it from me, you have earned it. You don’t get it for an answer that might supported what I posted but was just a GP 10 word or less sentence, (but neither do anyone else)

@zenvelo @Hypocrisy_Central Thank you for noticing my brilliance.
Psst….. Hate to bust that bubble, but I have not noticed anything yet. I have to investigate the weight of all those one-line, 10 words or less answers you got lurved on, to see if they warrented the lurve they racked up, if any.

zenvelo's avatar


“Vigorous writing is concise.”Strunk and White Elements of Style

Blondesjon's avatar

I may have skewed the ‘support lurve’ theory a bit. I have a habit of randomly going through question when I’m deep in my cups and awarding lurve to either all the odd or all the even answers.

I have also awarded a lot of lurve to folks on here while I am in a heated debate with them. It makes them feel like they’re being supported and reminds me how ridiculous it is to get angry on the Internet.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If you give a great answer, like @zenvelo above ^^^^, then you get a point from me.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I give lurve to @Symbeline on every question I read she answers. Just because I think she is cool. Sometimes I start reading, and we disagree. I click GA and close the thread and never look back.

amujinx's avatar

I notice any lurve I ever get since it breaks up my usual string of ”+1 for visiting two days in a row!” that I get from lurking most of the time.

zenvelo's avatar

@amujinx I just had to do it, it was like an attractive nuisance!

ucme's avatar

I don’t give a shit about any sorta lurve, but I can’t help but giggle when dumb buggers refuse to give any to a particular user they don’t like, regardless of the merits of their answers/questions.
This tells me they place great importance on applying lurve which is truly, truly pathetic.
I know this is a habit with some jellies because they’ve hinted as much through pm’s, doesn’t stop me liking them, but it’s not something i’d ever practice.

CWOTUS's avatar

I get GAs the old-fashioned way: I beg for them.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Quite often I will give lurve to an answer that I agree with instead of answering the question myself. Lazy

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