General Question

hugnwalker34's avatar

What do you guys think of the mobile gambling, is it getting dangerous for young people since now all have access to smartphones.

Asked by hugnwalker34 (4points) December 2nd, 2013

I wonder if there is a danger for youngsters about the bad things from online gambling on mobile phones. I also think that most trusted sources like: always should have huge warning message about the dangers.

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5 Answers

Thammuz's avatar

I also think that most trusted sources always should have huge warning message about the dangers.

Yeah, encyclopedias are all about biased cliffnotes for dipshits who can’t be bothered to read the whole thing through. It’s the most educational option.

Also, wikipedia is not a trusted sourche, but even if it were, your suggestion is so wrong on so many levels, this honestly takes a back seat.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No more dangerous than any other activity. Technology makes it easier to engage in various bad activities, but this is no different than how kids gambled 60 years ago. Heck, there is a danger walking out the door to walk to school… a bad person can kidnap you.

Looking at the smartphone situation may give you a new thing to blame, but this isn’t new and it’s not particularly worse than in the past.

Bill1939's avatar

Unfortunately, making it easier to gamble is inevitable. Sadly, many with limited means hope to improve their financial position by buying lottery tickets or playing games of chance even though they may recognize that the odds of success are against them. Worse, the risk of becoming addicted to gambling is greater for young people.

gorillapaws's avatar

This is 1,000,000 times less important of an issue than texting while driving. People will gamble; there will be addicts. Whether they do it on their smart-phones, or call their bookie from a landline, or drive to a casino for the night, or some shady illegal gambling spot it really doesn’t matter that much. The smart phone is literally the least important component in dealing with the problems related to gambling.

Texting while driving on the other hand makes me want to road rage. Those people could easily kill a lot of people and ruin tons of lives because they’re too fucking stupid to just make a hands-free phone call and talk instead of trying to type on a tiny keypad while driving.

JimTurner's avatar

There is danger in all types of gambling even pitching pennies on the street corner or the Friday night card game with friends.

The problem with gambling at casinos or online gambling is the rule that the house always wins.

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