General Question

marksonos's avatar

(NSFW) What can be the liquid coming out of an uncircumcised genital?

Asked by marksonos (298points) April 4th, 2014

I gave my first handjob recently, and the man showed me how to do it since I was doing it wrong, pushing the skin high each time. He showed me a light yellow-brown liquid squirting out of his assumedly pee-hole when he pulled the skin very high and said to not do that. He told me he doesn’t have any diseases prior to these events. Yet I am very confused about the whole thing, I can’t talk to him till next week since he is on vacation. Please help?

PS: The strange part is that he showed it to me, doing it with his hands and told me “I guess you never saw been with an uncut before” as if this was a perfectly normal thing?

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16 Answers

pleiades's avatar

The same stuff that comes out of any guys genital. The uncut portion he was talking about is simply referring to the fact that it needs to be stroked differently

marksonos's avatar

@pleiades Is it normal for a strange liquid to come out when stroked one way?

Response moderated (Writing Standards)
DominicX's avatar

The way it’s stroked shouldn’t make a difference—it’s either semen, urine, pre-ejaculate (which usually appears clear) or some mix. If there’s any other kind of secretion, it indicates a problem.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s normal for guys to have some precum that leaks out, but it’s normally clear or light colored. If he’s uncircumcised he has to be more concerned with hygiene. If it’s yellow brown he may be careless or it could be a bigger problem.

anniereborn's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I second this. Yellow-brown? That doesn’t sound right.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Isn’t the moisture called “smegma”? Didn’t I just make myself ill by simply typing that word?

josie's avatar

You should find another guy. Seriously

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Schmegma is the accumulation of stuff if the guy doesn’t clean himself properly. It also raises the woman’s risk of cervical cancer.

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sinscriven's avatar

As an uncut guy I can confirm through anecdotal science that we do not in fact jizz rainbows.

Something’s pretty wrong with his penis. If it’s not clear or milky colored and is not urine then it’s possibly an infection, or blood.

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jtvoar16's avatar

I, too, am uncut, and have never produced a yellow-brown liquid while pleasuring myself. Even as a teen when my hygiene, was, well, “questionable,” it was always perfectly clear.
The only time I have ever had an issue with something of that nature was when I was younger and went summing in a natural lake. I got an infection of the rectum, and the medicine I was prescribed caused my pee to turn brown… Like, brown-brown, the color of dark wood.
I could, maybe, see, how he might end up with something like that if he wasn’t cleaning himself, though. I’ve seen and heard some horror stories in the past.
The fact that the liquid was being produced while he was retracting his skin to a painful point tells me that it wasn’t normal. No matter how much I pull back on my foreskin, I have never produced liquid, only when I pull forward, scrunch the foreskin to the tip of my penis.

jtvoar16's avatar

@sinscriven THANK YOU! So many people think that just because I am gay, I actually fire off rainbows. >.<

ragingloli's avatar

Sounds to me like the guy is totally diseased.

rojo's avatar

Damn, I hate it when a question that I have a really good smart-assed answer for is in General and I can’t use it.

Oh well, put it in the files and remember it for later.

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