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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Ladies, which trumps, fat and handsome, or homely and buff?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) August 6th, 2014

How much does charm and wit really go for you as to if you would date someone or enter into a relationship with them? People always say it is personality, personality, and more personality. What if you met a man at a function, party, etc. and he was devilishly handsome, kind, considerate, witty and made the conversation flow like water, but he was physically built like this, would that have zero factor when he asks you for a date, or to get to know you better by asking for a number and email etc.? What if it was a homely guy with all of the attributes of the aforementioned man, his personality seem to fit yours like a glove, but he was homely, could-not-buy-a-date-to-the-prom homely but he was built like this. In all honesty you would see them as absolute equal as far as dating? If you see them as absolute equal dating what about dating long-term or being in a relationship with, seeing personality wise, education, and income wise they were so equal you could not slide a playing card between them?

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