General Question

talljasperman's avatar

My Acer Core i5 Aspire S3 laptop SSD drive keeps needing to restore session and refresh what shoud it do (NSFW)?

Asked by talljasperman (21916points) December 12th, 2014

I spent $200 getting it fixed from being totally crashed. Now this… I tried downloading Norton disk doctor and it didn’t load. I don’t watch porn on the laptop anymore since it got fixed.

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5 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

EDIT @talljasperman It keeps telling me to “recover webpage.”

elbanditoroso's avatar

why is it <nsfw>?

talljasperman's avatar

@elbanditoroso Because I added the category pornography… the reason my laptop needed to be fixed.. I signed up for chrome and it has corrected itself.(maybe)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Which browser are you using? If it’s Explorer than definitely go with chrome or firefox.

jerv's avatar

I am with @SQUEEKY2; IE is called Internet Exploiter and Internet Exploder for valid reasons, many having to do with it’s vulnerability to malware.

Prevention is easier than fixing things afterwards, and Norton (at least the consumer version) isn’t really all that great protection. I use Avast! for that reason. But if Norton DD didn’t even load, that tells me there is a chance that you’re still infected; the one time I got infected, the virus kept shutting down AVG. (that also is why I switched, first to Avira, then to Avast!; AVG lost my trust after that.) It isn’t always porn that does it; many shopping sites do it as well. And if you install a toolbar, then no antivirus can really help as you bypassed the security by “inviting” it in.

Of course that assumes that it’s actually malware-induced rather than a certifiable hardware fault.

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