Social Question

osoraro's avatar

What is your opinion on the Sad Puppies controversy that is happening in the Hugo nomination process?

Asked by osoraro (2881points) May 8th, 2015

This is a bit of a nerdy question, and really only those who are science fiction fans. I’m not going to explain it in the details here because if you don’t know what I’m talking about you’re likely not to have an opinion.

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4 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I have a couple of friends who are Fantasy writers and they are embarrassed by it all. Seems to me to be no more than a bid for publicity to A) boost sales, and B) hopefully boost votes which leads back to A.
Social media (where I have seen the Sad Puppy stuff) is an outstanding, inexpensive, marketing tool.

osoraro's avatar

The thing is I actually really like Correia’s work. And I understand the frustration that he and other conservative writers have had. The problem that I see it is that when homophobic assholes like this guy get nominated for three novellas, then you know that the system is busted.

canidmajor's avatar

I ‘ve kind of had the feeling that most Award systems have been busted for a long time. I haven’t read enough of the newer writers to really judge about them, I’m pretty old school.
But the whole concept of the awards has been political for a long time, maybe it’s not a bad thing to shine a light on it after all.

osoraro's avatar

That’s kind of my opinion too. But even Sad Puppies has fragmented—this year there is a Rabid Puppies, run by another guy. Rabid Puppies and Sad Puppies hate each other. It’s degenerated this year.

I just want politics to be scrubbed from the conversation altogether. I don’t agree with Larry Correia’s politics on everything (nor do I always agree with John Scalzi—although I’m closer to him than Correia), I do like his work.

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