General Question

kimchi's avatar

Will taking a higher level math class help one become a doctor?

Asked by kimchi (1440points) September 1st, 2015

As asked. Currently 3 years ahead in math than where I’m supposed to be.

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7 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

It sure can’t hurt!

josie's avatar

As stated, can’t hurt.
My GF is a doctor and she was math major.
She also will say to read plenty of Shakespeare as well. It’s still a people job.

Cruiser's avatar

I think any higher level class will prepare you for the rigors that await anyone on the path to be a doctor. The discipline that is require to excel at advanced classes lay the foundation of commitment that will be demanded of you to achieve your Doctorate in Medicine. Good luck to you!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It isn’t the math skills per se which will help. It’s proving you can grasp and understand advanced principals.

Mimishu1995's avatar

How about a higher class in chemisty and biology?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Any advanced class helps. A lot of medicine is okay, I have A symptoms, B symptoms, and C symptoms. What does this mean? And then they pull it together from there.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Math is about solving problems. It’s a process that teaches you how to think in a particular way. IMO it is valuable only when coupled with things that force you to use your imagination also. In the the real, practical world problems are solved using technical skills and ingenuity. That takes math type skills and creativity. To be a good doctor you’ll need to cultivate both.

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