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xichyu's avatar

Who can introduce me some popular forums about maths??

Asked by xichyu (222points) May 4th, 2016

Who can introduce me some popular forums about maths?

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5 Answers

dxs's avatar

Well, there are a few good math questions right here on Fluther. There are also plenty of mathematicians.
Here’s an interesting math discussion I started not too long ago:

Option 2: Stackexchange.

CWOTUS's avatar

I presume that you’ve already been to Wolfram Alpha.

LostInParadise's avatar

Are you looking for math Q&A sites? I have gotten good answers to my questions from Math Stack Exchange and Quora

For general interest articles on math, I have found some good material on Math Plus and MAA columns. I used to use Cambridge University’s NRich site back when they had a top notch Q&A section, which they have unfortunately discontinued.

CWOTUS's avatar

I don’t know how serious it would be – and I haven’t actually looked through it myself – but Reddit has a Math forum.

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