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tabbycat's avatar

Do you subscribe to magazines? Which ones? How has the internet affected the number you subscribe to?

Asked by tabbycat (1811points) August 25th, 2008
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21 Answers

Bri_L's avatar

Readers Digest

iwamoto's avatar

i still need to subscribe to the german “gitarre&bass” magazine, help me remember, i love that magazine, and the internet hasn’t really affected me

jeanm's avatar

New Yorker, Cooks Illustrated, Metalsmith.
Two things affect the number of subscsriptions I maintain from year to year: finding time enough to actually read magazines and the increasing cost of the subscriptions. Both of those things have made me more selective. The number of newspapers I subscribe to has simultaneously increased in the past few years.

sofia's avatar

Real Simple & San Francisco Magazine. In addition to the practical and informational content, I love these magazines because they are over-sized and have beautiful photography and layouts. That said, the internet has not changed my subscriptions at all—there are still some things better experienced in person.

gooch's avatar

prevention, food and wine and wine spectator. I get more mags now than ten years ago. Maybe because I could not afford them ten years ago.

fuzzyjay's avatar

I still subscribe to a couple of magazines. This OId House and 2 mainly. I find I still buy as many magazines as I used to. The internet is great for information, but it’s hard to use the internet in bed.

gailcalled's avatar

I no longer subscribe to or buy any newspapers or magazines. I read them all in the library or (NYT) online. A friend passes his New Yorkers on to me and I pass them on to my sister.

I shudder daily at the number of catalogs and junk I have to recycle…I use the shopper’s guide for fire starters and lining Milo’s travel case. (He always throws up on road trips.)

Snoopy's avatar

poor Milo

(embarassed).....the TV Guide. My husband gets This Old House.

You might be more impressed w/ us if you knew what we had but dropped. We just weren’t reading them as much anymore. They became a souce of guilt. Who needs more of that?

emt333's avatar

i subscribe to smithsonian magazine. it is excellent

tinyfaery's avatar

National Geographic, Rolling Stone, The Utne Reader, and the LC. These are the only mags I have ever subscribed to. Once in a while I’ll pick up BUST or Bitch magazine, but I do not subscribe.

Snoopy's avatar

BUST? Bitch? What the heck? Are these mags about dog training, I hope?

BronxLens's avatar

JPG magazine I think they found the sweet spot between their website and their printed magazine – hard to imagine one without the other.

Wired – haven’t spent almost any time in their site. I feel i get my mental fix and my money’s worth with just the print version.

NY Times Not a magazine you can subscribe to since it’s really an insert, but i include it since I get mine with my NYT subscription. I like that after I browse through the printed edition I can discard it and read it on web at my desk during lunch.

augustlan's avatar

Interview (Andy Warhol’s mag…it’s great for reading and gazing at all the beautiful art and ad pages), Real Simple (a gift, after I won their “letter of the month” contest a while back), and too many home/decorating mags to list. I’m a junkie!

MacBean's avatar

I subscribe to The New Yorker, Entertainment Weekly, Scientific American Mind, and mental_floss. I actually discovered mental_floss through the internet. Originally I was just subscribed to the website‘s feed, but I enjoyed it so much that I subscribed to the paper magazine.

tinyfaery's avatar

I do mental floss online as well. I also have a few books.

Tantigirl's avatar

I subscribe to Vanity Fair, Reader’s Digest, Smithsonian, Entertainment Weekly, and Taste of Home. Quite an eclectic lot now that I see it in writing.

hollywoodduck's avatar

I subscribe to Glamour but I read the blogs on their website, not much else though.

BarbieM's avatar

I’m a magazine junkie. I subscribe to:

Food & Wine
Indianapolis Monthly (my favorite!)
Everyday with Rachael Ray
Taste of Home
Marie Claire
TV Guide
Wine Spectator

Larssenabdo's avatar

I don’t really enjoy reading magazines online. I like sitting with them, feeling them in my hands. I know it’s going that way, but I fight a delaying action as I’m able.

Men’s Health
Whole Dog Journal
Chronical of the Dog
SF & Fantasy
The Writer
Writer’s Digest

Larssenabdo's avatar

I forgot Ode.

Dorkgirl's avatar

Mental Floss!
Entertainment Weekly
The occasional travel magazine or Real Simple
National Geographic
I like having a mag in hand.
I’ll read stuff online, but there’s nothing like a book, magazine or newspaper to hold.

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