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Brome's avatar

Which famous writers use Twitter?

Asked by Brome (243points) October 6th, 2008

This question came to my mind when I saw Loïc Le Meur’s tweet here .
Which famous book writers do you know of who use Twitter?

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17 Answers

Lovelocke's avatar

Probably none. Famous writers can publish their own books. “Blogs” on the other hand, are a “safe, sterile” way for celebrities to provide the illusion of direct contact with commoners while jacking up “Pay per load” advertising revenue on the side.

Unit134679's avatar

I don’t know one person who uses Twitter…besides and that site is bad ass

Trustinglife's avatar

I’m hoping we get some answers on this one.

I have great fun following a blogger and entrepreneur named Penelope Trunk. She’s not a famous writer, but that’s all I got for ya. Whether you’re on Twitter or not, if you click on the link, you’ll see her posts – short, funny, cheeky. Great fun.

Lovelocke's avatar

Penelope Trunk: One more blogger.

Trustinglife's avatar

At the risk of what I say being criticized again…

I realized my friend LaSara Firefox is the author of Sexy Witch, and she posts on Twitter a lot. Many of her posts are about what she’s grateful for. Not famous, but an excellent author.

One more… Imogen Heap is one of my favorite singers (formerly of the band Frou Frou). She posts on Twitter often too – here’s her page.

mrjadkins's avatar

I know Diablo Cody is on Twitter. She wrote “Juno” if you did not know.

Brome's avatar

Thank you all for your answers!

PIXEL's avatar

Bet you guys didn’t know you can follow Fluther on Twitter. Just sayin.

Trustinglife's avatar

Found one!

Timothy Ferriss is on Twitter. He’s the author of the 4-Hour Workweek, a #1 NY Times bestseller published in 33 languages. I’d say that counts. The book rocked my world. I’m glad he’s on Twitter.

MacBean's avatar

Stephen Fry uses Twitter. Often! He’s in Africa right now and he posts a lot of really great pictures.

paskyhawk's avatar

Richard Bach who wrote Jonathan Livingston Seagull and a bunch of other books.

tarasims's avatar

Dr. Ciaramicoli the author of The Curse of the Capable, Performance Addiction and The Power of Empathy is on twitter as @docapc

insideofstephanie's avatar

follow me on twitter im an author of “Sky Might Fall” coming soon stay tune. Any one who can help me build my fan base a little bit more i will send you a copy of my book as a gift. Any questions , comments or anwsers tweet me : )

Obsessiforge's avatar

Brandon Sanderson, author of Elantris, Warbreaker, the Mistborn trilogy and a whole bunch of other stuff is a big tweeter. He posts a lot of interesting stuff too, about his working process, etc.

Neil Gaiman is also on twitter.

I’m compiling a list of authors I want to find right now, check out this list and see if there’s anyone on there worth following.

hope that helps

Bellatrix's avatar

Paulo Coelho uses twitter.
R J Ellory also has a twitter account
Cormac McCarthy too.

Probably a lot more as well. There is a Mashable website with quite a list of authors who tweet.

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