General Question

benjamin6's avatar

What can you do to a seed to make it not be able to grow?

Asked by benjamin6 (148points) October 22nd, 2008

I’ve heard you can boil seeds to make them unable to grow. Are there other things you can due to remove their potency?

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15 Answers

fireside's avatar

Umm, grinder.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Try not planting it.

Wait, are you sabotaging someone’s seeds? Never hurt a man’s seeds.

Snoopy's avatar

Simply, a seed will not grow w/out the right conditions. A seed wiil not grow w/out moisture for example.

Snoopy's avatar

what is the point of this question?

ezraglenn's avatar

you could varnish seeds, like watermelon or apple seeds, and then they won’t grow. But needless to say, it’s not that hard to make most seeds not grow. The hard part is usually growing.

bodyhead's avatar

This is an awfully involved practical joke to play on your children. Teaching them disappointment early isn’t always the best method.

nikipedia's avatar

You could transfect interference RNA to inhibit expression of growth factors.

Snoopy's avatar

@nikipedia LOL. Great answer!

mea05key's avatar

Use chemicals, don’t provide the seeds with what they need (air, water, earth), crush the seeds either using ur own brute force or other mechanical means, eat the seats

AstroChuck's avatar

Soak it in Roundup®

fireside's avatar

Wear a condom?

we may need some clarification on what kind of seed we are talking about

poofandmook's avatar

Are you waiting for the watermelon seed you just swallowed to grow or something?

syz's avatar

someone is cheating on their science project

laureth's avatar


Also, let it get too old, but that’s unreliable as methods go.

Heat treatment – which is what happens to weed seeds in a good compost pile.

Knotmyday's avatar

In the spirit of Laureth’s answer; Microwave it.

Fireside, that was too funny. In an (ahem) biblical sense, of course.

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