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Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Dreams That Come True?

Asked by Skaggfacemutt (9820points) January 9th, 2009

Have you ever had a dream about a place you have never been to, and then later find yourself in that place that you dreamed about? It has happened to me, and what a weird feeling. If it wasn’t for this experience, I would be tempted to think that there really isn’t anything supernatural out there, but there is just no logical explanation as to how you can dream of an event that hasn’t happened yet.

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6 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

I had this nightmare once. I dreamt my parents came to visit and it came true.

augustlan's avatar

This actually happens to one of my daughters from time to time. We’ve discussed whether or not it might be related to deja vu.

Trustinglife's avatar

So are you wanting to know you’re not alone?
Or you’re wanting to know if this is a real phenomenon?

cookieman's avatar

I had this nightmare once that AstroChuck’s parents came to visit – and it came true.

This has happened to my wife. She is convinced they are visions. I’m not that superstitious, but then I have no other logical explanation.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I guess I want to know if 1)other people have had this happen, and 2)if anyone has a logical explanation. I am a logical person, and I believe that events aren’t written in stone until they actually happen. But this phenomenon blows my theory all to heck. Those who have had this dream knows what I am talking about. These dreams are different than a regular dream because I remember every detail – the expression on someone’s face, the placement of every element, the conversation, etc. It’s different to dream that your parents came over, and then they do. It would fall into this category if you dreamt that your parents came over and your dad was wearing a plaid shirt with brown pants, and he came in carrying a box, and said “your mom slipped on the ice this morning.” And then your cat rubbed against his leg. And then that sequence of events happened the next day in just the same way. That is what I am talking about.

manoffaith3112's avatar

I’ve had “precognitive” dreams during my life time. Once during a dream I saw my uncle’s home; saw a man enter the house with a gas can; and I followed him in the dream a little ways into the house.
In the dream suddenly I was standing outside the house, and there were fire trucks driving up to the home to put it out. My dad came and talked to me the first thing in the morning. He said someone’s house burned down last night, and I told him I knew who it was…that it was my Uncle Carl’s house.

There have been other dreams that have come true in my life, and its happened to my dad too. I’ve never known my dad’s dreams or visions to be wrong.

In the book of Acts it says that in the last days young men would dream dreams, and old men would have visions. This is where I definitely attribute the origin of both of our supernatural experiences.

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