General Question

segdeha's avatar

Anyone been to Pitcairn Island?

Asked by segdeha (1720points) October 12th, 2007

I know the place has issues, but I’ve always been fascinated by it. Anyone been there? Is it possible to visit? Why do people stay there??

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2 Answers

hossman's avatar

I have not been there, but would love to go. It is possible to visit, but very expensive, and you either stay there only while the boat is unloading, or you stay for months until the next boat gets there. People stay there because it is the only thing they know.

Maybe I’ve seen too many movies, but I just have this feeling that as soon as the boat left, you would start discovering these creepy artifacts of arcane rituals, followed by odd looks from the inhabitants, culminating in your being the main “course” at some religious/culinary ceremony.

Pitcairn is definitely not a place to take your daughter, as a majority of the adult male Pitcairn residents have pending statutory rape charges. Evidently, Pitcairn men have chosen to ignore British law and select their own age of consent, 12. Apparently, everyone on Pitcairn admits young women are promiscuous at age 12 on Pitcairn (the average first pregnancy is between ages 12 and 15), the only question is whether the sex is consensual.

gailcalled's avatar

Speaking of Hossman en brouchette, have you ever heard Donald Swann and Michael Flanders, two funny Brits, who wrote cabaret music 40 years ago, sing THE RELUCTANT CANNIBAL? From their “Farrago, At the Drop of a Hat.”


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