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rhetorician's avatar

How do I remove salt from pasta sauce?

Asked by rhetorician (108points) April 5th, 2009

I am making homemade pasta sauce and inadvertently put in too much salt. Aside from diluting the sauce, is there a way to remove/counteract the salt>

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19 Answers

mantaray68's avatar

Diluting would be the only way, unless you were yet to stir it in.

gailcalled's avatar

Sometimes throwing in a raw, peeled potato or two might absorb the salt, but it depends on just how much we are talking about.

the_force's avatar

gailcalled is right, but it takes a while for the potato to absorb the salt.

TheLoneMonk's avatar

Have you tried adding some dry white wine? That usually helps mine. it doesn’t take much.

Randy's avatar

Brown sugar will neutralize a small amount of salt. Tragically, by the time most people realize it’s too salty, it’s to late for the brown sugar trick.

rhetorician's avatar

Monk: No wine in the house and no Sunday sells in Connecticut.

gailcalled's avatar

@Randy: Too bad. It’s a good idea.

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve always heard that adding a little sugar will offset excess salt, but I’ve never actually done this and don’t know if it works. I suppose it’s too late to add a whole lot more of everything else?

@Randy, when is it too late for the brown sugar?

gailcalled's avatar

—by the time most people realize that it’s too salty. One wrong and one right make what?

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I’ve made marinara sauce that tasted salty while it was cooking, but after two days in the fridge, it tasted perfect. Have you put parsley in the sauce? That usually helps neutralize too much of whatever….

skfinkel's avatar

I’ve heard of the potato method as well. That would actually absorb the salt. The wine/sugar would mask it—is that right?

EmpressPixie's avatar

Vinegar will do the same thing as wine—I generally use apple cider vinegar for it.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve done this many a few times and sugar usually helps.

@skfinkel You are right. It will only mask it, not remove it. Sometimes I like to add a little sugar to my sauce anyway. I like a hint of sweet in my sauce.

rooeytoo's avatar

The solution to pollution is dilution, that was my motto when I had a salt water aquarium but I think it works in cooking too, add more tomato or liquid, the dash of vinegar and sugar sound like good ideas too.

cak's avatar

I don’t know, I was always of the “you can add, but not remove” school of thought, when it came to salt.

I’m lurking, I hope to hear that something works, so I can file a useful piece of information away, for future use!

charliecompany34's avatar

you can add all the salt you want as long as you realize it cannot be subtracted. season to taste, i always say, but once you put a spice in, it’s hard to extract it. once salt is in, it’s in. diluting the failed mixture will hamper the integrity. seasoning is food wisdom.

Cindy's avatar

An old Italian lady once told me to add a medium sized grated carrot to any tomatoe based sauces, as this neuatralizes the acidity of the tomatoes. As carrots have a sweetness to them, perhaps this will work.

ArpitaBarua's avatar

You can add a quantity of blended green papaya or cucumber to remove salt. These vegetables are very effective. Try this technique.


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