General Question

windex's avatar

Why are there so many products in the vitamin shoppe?

Asked by windex (2932points) July 25th, 2009

What else is there besides “Protein” that people can take for body building?
So you got stuff like “creatine” and vitamin c, d, e blabla
but when you walk in, there are so many products.
Can someone explain please.

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22 Answers

swuesquire's avatar

Nutritionist studies come out every week claiming something will give a person super human powers and an infinite lifespan. Everyone then goes and buys the appropriate micronutrient. These studies are then disproven, but the stores don’t stop carrying the pills because the gullible public only keeps up with the positive health claims and ignores when things are shown to be bunk.

Facade's avatar

Because people have preferences as far as brands go. BTW I love the Vitamin Shoppe :)

lloydbird's avatar

Iv’e read that Spirulina is reputed to be very good.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@lloydbird mmmm algae… i feed that stuff to my fishies :P

Darwin's avatar

People have different preferences, but they also have both different physical needs as well as different theories of nutrition. Otherwise, we could all take exactly the same pill and no variety would be needed.

lloydbird's avatar

@uberbatman mmmm fish…I feed that stuff to myself :p

casheroo's avatar

Lurve The Vitamin Shoppe!

There are different brands, different ingredients, lots of variety. I love it there.

shilolo's avatar

Because, as Shakespeare wrote, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”

casheroo's avatar

@shilolo That’s pretty ridiculous to say, given that the product my body needs to function is at that store, and a doctor now recommends it to all his patients. It’s not all bullshit.

shilolo's avatar

@casheroo 99% of what is sold there is unnecessary if you eat a healthy diet. Protein supplements are one thing. Buying giant bottles of selenium or zinc or vitamin E is not.

Facade's avatar

Most of use don’t eat healthily which is why we need supplements

shilolo's avatar

@Facade You’d have to be eating an extraordinarily unhealthy diet in the USA to need any supplements at all since so many foods are fortified. There is not one shred of proof that vitamins and supplements do anything at all for normal people. Yes, some people have the occasional vitamin or mineral deficiency, but those ailments are rare. Certainly not common enough to warrant a whole national chain dedicated to vitamins.

casheroo's avatar

@shilolo My medical problem cannot be fixed with a different diet, no matter what the medical books say. My doctor knows this as well, and deals with it with many patients. It’s not a vitamin actually. Just an alternative supplement. Trust me, even with surgery I still need the supplement…I don’t like taking it but I like that it helps me live a normal life. And I hope it helps others.

shilolo's avatar

@casheroo Now I’m really curious to know what this miracle supplement is. Of course, it is private, so don’t feel you need to tell me. But if you do, send me a PM. However, as far as the question is concerned, why should there be literally thousands of different supplements and vitamins and minerals. Sure bodybuilders and pro athletes are attached to supplement A versus B, but why should someone need extra trace minerals when your chance of a real deficiency is extremely low?

Facade's avatar

@shilolo If you say so. Also, as you know, it carries other things besides supplements. It’s where I get my ACV, tea tree oil, etc.

casheroo's avatar

that @shilolo always has to bust up any natural or vitamin parties. he reminds me of the neighbor watching the neighborhood from his window, calling the cops if he sees any blasted teens drinking…or rather, taking vitamins or taking homeopathic medicine.

Facade's avatar

lol, well he is a medical doctor.

casheroo's avatar

lol, I’m well aware. I just like to poke fun at him.

shilolo's avatar

In my defense, I poke holes in all sorts of therapies, ranging from homeopathy to vitamins to stem cells. I am purely data driven. Like Cuba Gooding said “Show me the [data]!!!!!”

lloydbird's avatar

@shilolo Would I be right in assuming that you would regard this as bunkum?

@casheroo @Facade You may be interested in what this lady has to say on the matter.

Facade's avatar

very interesting…

Darwin's avatar

It’s a free country, and folks are allowed to take whatever nutritional supplements they believe they need, whether traditional medicine agrees or not, as long as it does no harm. Even vitamin vendors need to make a living.

“There’s a sucker born every minute.” – P.T. Barnum

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