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jeremynoviaman's avatar

Visually represent the book 1984?

Asked by jeremynoviaman (56points) September 5th, 2009

However you want to help me with this. How can I visually represent 1984 as a representation of today’s world, I can use pictures, stories, commercials, news articles… I just wanted some help in presenting it, any suggestions?

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23 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Boot, face, forever.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I read that book a long time ago, and hated it. I also hated On The Road by Jack Kerouac. There are probably plenty of anti-Obama sites hosted by Rethugnican webmasters that will give you all the ammunition you need. Of course, they call Obama a socialist, so that might be something different. Okay, now I’m just rambling.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

I’d say just about anything related to the Patriot Act would be perfect.

YARNLADY's avatar

I would use a big bubble, with a city inside, and big eyes outside, watching everybody.

Buttonstc's avatar

I think the original Apple commercial of 1984 did quite a nice job on it.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Buttonstc For those of us who have not see, or don’t remember, what did they do?

Buttonstc's avatar

Unfortunately I can’t do links on the iPhone. But just go to YouTube and pop it into search. It should come up easily as i recall having seen it in the past.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Buttonstc Thanks for the tip, unfortunately, my laptop won’t stay connected long enough to play videos. It has an internal glitch that causes it to only connect to the wireless access intermittently. I was hoping you could just describe it.

dpworkin's avatar

A beautiful athlete smashes a monolithic looking shield with a hammer.

seVen's avatar

CCTV all over the cities and highways/UPC codes on products/microchips implanted first in the elderly with Alzihmers,than convicts, than civilians/email,library cards,credit cards all monitored/telephone tapped, etc etc etc

Judi's avatar

Is this a homework question?Bits one of my favorite books but you should probably read it first.

YARNLADY's avatar

@augustlan Thanks, I finally got through it in bits and pieces. My laptop came with a glitch that causes it to lose contact every few minutes, and I have to watch any videos a little at a time. That look like a good source to use.

Grisaille's avatar

A gun made of flowers

A bird wrapped in chains

An Olympian figure ripping a book in half

drdoombot's avatar

I had to draw my own cover for 1984 in 10th grade. I drew Winston Smith’s little gray room, complete with two-way wall plasma (before people had plasma tv’s) and a “Big Brother is Watching” poster (where I drew Big Brother to look like a cross between Stalin and Hitler). Winston Smith was sitting at a dingy table, writing in a small notebook.

For a more modern spin, you could have someone typing into a computer with a camera facing him or a person looking over his shoulder or inspecting the internet cable coming out of his computer.

It’s a rich concept and there are many ways to play with it.

Grisaille's avatar

just in case I was too vague, my post was in reference to “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”

mattbrowne's avatar

Hackers finding out the real identity of Flutherites, e.g. @jeremynoviaman lives in X on Y street. Hear them knocking on your door?

Jack79's avatar

No, the world we live in feels nothing like 1984. But that’s just because we’re used to it. We are very adaptable creatures, and had plenty of time to slowly adjust to the differences that started mounting around us.

There are heat cameras at airports that tell police if you have a flu. They can also tell them if you’re pregnant or if you just farted.

Your mobile can be used to track not only your calls, but your current location. And anyone can find you in minutes using GPS. In the EU a new law will make non-registered mobiles illegal, meaning that your phone number can always be traced back to you personally and the police can always know who you called and when.

All internet activity is checked. Usually this means that I can get caught if I download too many mp3s or some illegal material, but otherwise be left alone. But at the same time, it is possible for you to be falsely accused and have to suffer huge inconvenience as a result (it happened to my ex gf last year, and she’s still not cleared even though she never did anything wrong).

And of course computers at every border checking where you are, how long you stay etc (they did it to me last time I went to Turkey on holidays).

On top of that we have cameras and helicopters checking cities and often following us around. It can be quite annoying if you have nothing to hide, and even more so when you do.

And of course add to that all the other things such as speed cameras, bank statements, itemised phone bills and school records.

Darbio16's avatar

As coincidence would have it, I am currently reading that book right now for the first time. I am over halfway done with it. A very exciting book indeed. It is a scary foreshadowing filled with a cry for humanity and justice. I find myself in suspense and fear for the life of Winston. Today’s world is not as grim as in “1984”. The book should not be taken lightly. Even works of fiction show the full spectrum of humanity and what we are capable of. The good and the bad.

You may want to show examples of the media bias, a precursor to “1984” like events, and their unwillingness to show the true nature of the world rather than sensationalism and rhetoric. Also, you may want to incorporate the public education system. No better way to encapsulate the whole of society than by warping the minds of the young. Global testing scores reveal that America is quite a bit behind in academics, much like the proles in “1984”. All across the internet you see the buzz concerning the events to take place on 9/08/09 when Obama is to address the children of the nation in school and then later in the evening on Nickelodeon and Fox. This seems strangely like it could be the start of the children spies of the novel. Rather than works of fiction, we can look at history to see the efforts Hitler made to impress the youth of the nation in the same fashion.

Reading about lives of the proles in the novel is like seeing a mirror image of western society. The rat race, gambling, drinking, working tirelessly and a sense of being less than human in the eyes of the elite. Notice the media always speaking baldly of southern states in the U.S. and broadly categorizing them all as hicks, religious zealots, and incorrigible bigots. The bias against those who speak out against the government, those who attend tea parties or anyone opposed to government healhcare.

The FDA and FTC have been engaging in an intellectual war. Natural medicines, supplements, herbs and organics have been tossed to the wayside in light of the perceived advantage pharmaceuticals would have over them. Gag orders and myriad legislation inhibit citizens from even hearing about alternative medicines, let alone having access to such treatments. Nearly all non pharma supplements say that “These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA”. No pharmaceutical drug has a problem getting in line for evaluation though.

America has been at seemingly endless war since 1914. Another eerie coincidence we share with the novel. Like the novel, our enemies change from time to time. The feelings never do. Playing on natural instincts of the citizenry towards patriotism, the government drags us along toward any political end they desire. Goldstein was the enemy in the book. His face was everywhere to be seen, his name brought fear, anger and aggression. We fought against Fascism and Communism. The Cold war dragging on without an end in sight. Once it had vanished, peace spread through the minds of the people. It would not last. Less than a decade later America had a new enemy, one that could last as long as the threat of communism. That threat is Islamic terror. Bin Laden, like Goldstein, is the face of the enemy. For our current government to survive it needs and enemy. One that strikes fear into the governed. An enemy with enough perceived power to be such a great threat that we may give up liberties in order to remain safe.

Like the book, we have no way of knowing what the truth really is. Is truth what we see on television or in books or magazines? Or is truth what we feel inside, not as a matter of fact but of instinct. The supreme court has already ruled that the media does not legally have to tell the truth. Since there is no guarantee, we cannot fully rely on only good people to put out truthful news stories. Anyone that has ever written in to the opinion section of their newspaper can attest to, sometimes drastic, changes to the story they had submitted. Sometimes altogether changing the story’s point.

The information age has brought with it capabilities that Orwell could only dream of. Imagine how sinister the story would be if it were written in 1984 and entitled “2012”. RFID chips, computers, cell phones and myriad ways of tracking every aspect of being human. We are much too comfortable to see the predicament we are facing. Because we can buy an I-pod we believe we are truly free. Just so long as we do not interfere with official government business we are left do live out our lives in “peace”.

wildpotato's avatar

“2 + 2 = 5”
“Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me”

filmfann's avatar

Use the Terror Threat Level Chart. okay, thats not really it, but it made me laugh

Garebo's avatar

Probably, too late, but you can first cite all the czars; then, show the pictures of the little, I mean big bad Korean, with Americans politicians handing him gobs of money to cease bothering us.

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