General Question

warpling's avatar

Where can I find a mac utility or terminal script to read the contents of a smart card?

Asked by warpling (849points) October 20th, 2009

Recently I found a USB smartcard reader and have been trying to find a way to read the data off an old card I found. It’s not for a shady purpose or anything just curiosity, which I’ve been unable to satiate because of a lack of mac tools. I already have found the apple article on how to use it to log in, but that still doesn’t help me change the pin or access the ROM etc. Is there something I’m missing or perhaps a terminal command that I can access it through?

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2 Answers

DarkScribe's avatar

You “found” a reader, and then you “found” a card.

I know, ask at your local Police station – Police Officers can be very helpful when dealing with “found” items.

(The data is proprietary and encrypted – if you don’t have the appropriate software it won’t do you any good.)

warpling's avatar

I saw the reader in a electronics shop and had a card with a smartcard chip. I thought it’d be interesting to look at the data. I found a terminal utility, but it doesn’t say much about what’s actually stored on the card. I figured the data is encrypted, but I want to know how I could even just see that…

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