Meta Question

Ranimi23's avatar

What do you consider most when you answer a question at fluther?

Asked by Ranimi23 (1917points) November 6th, 2009

I personally think that both questioning and answering are an important activity. It is important for me personally, and is even more so for the person whose question I choose to answer. I like to read more info about the question, see others opinions and more. Sometimes I wonder who is the person behind the question?

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15 Answers

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mascarraaa's avatar

I wonder that too! I’ll answer if I like the question though (:

gemiwing's avatar

@pdworkin you just made me snort, nicely done

I try to think if I can help, or make someone laugh. sometimes it’s because i get a bit lonely

Fred931's avatar

Whether or not I can make the answer sound funny, even if it isn’t a very good answer.

poisonedantidote's avatar

- is the question serious?

no: i give my oppinion or play along

yes: do i have anything useful i could say?

no: dont answer.

yes: answer.

dpworkin's avatar

Oops, a mod was not amused. I amused myself, however. Too bad some of you turkeys missed my quip. It was bitchen.

Dr_C's avatar

I’ll usually try to be as helpful as possible when i answer… but every once in a while either the question doesn’t call for seriousness or i’m just in a joking mood. Either way I try to keep it civil.
that’s right I said civil fucker

kyle94481's avatar

I’ll answer the question to the best of my knowledge, and I know this is selfish, if I am personally interested in the topic I will usually look further into the basis of the question and research it a little bit more. Also, humor is a great touch.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

* if anyone is watching me

* if I have enough time to write what I want or come back later

* if it’s something that doesn’t appeal to me but I have experience with or feel I have something a little valuable to add then I mull it over a bit.

janbb's avatar

If I am touched and want to help, if I want to show off my knowledge, or if I have a clever riposte to someone’s jibe.

dpworkin's avatar

riposte? what are you, an English Aristocrat?

bagelface's avatar

Whether or not answering will get me cake in frizzer.

oratio's avatar

I used to do quite some research about the subject in question, weighing arguments against each other and really participate in the discussions. Now I mostly read, and try to make a quip sometimes. Don’t consider much.

NewZen's avatar

@Ranimi23 From the details part of your question, I understand that you won’t reply first to a question from someone whom you don’t really “know” yet?” I think this says a lot about you, not about the asker, n’est ce pas. What’s stopping you?

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