Social Question

J0E's avatar

What are things you have seen other people doing while driving?

Asked by J0E (13172points) November 13th, 2009

I’m sure we’ve all seen some pretty crazy things while driving. The other day I saw someone with a Pepsi in one hand and curly fries in the other…but still somehow steering. What have things have you seen (or done yourself)?

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60 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

I work out scenes that I’d like to write down.

Also, I listen to CD’s, talk on the cell phone, change the settings on my GPS, drink coffee, rummage under the front seats for stuff, apply make up, and eat a sandwich.

J0E's avatar

@mrentropy I hope you make time to watch the road.

dpworkin's avatar

I have a 160Gb iPod filled to the brim with MP3s, and I put it on shuffle and play it through the radio. The music varies so much, one never knows what’s coming up next. My girlfriend says it can give you whiplash to go from Wyclef Jean to Luciano Pavarotti.

erichw1504's avatar

Listen to music, it is a must while driving. When a super-fast-heavy-metal song with utlra guitar solos comes on, I love to beat the steering wheel to peices while banging my head vigorously. When a super-cool-suave-pop song with insane-techno-beats comes on, doing some neat pop-and-lock-robot arm movements is a must.

shego's avatar

I sing, and I don’t care who see’s me. I also dance. I love to freak people out with me dancing past them in my car. I also make faces at little kids too. LOL!

J0E's avatar

P.S. This question has been modded so some of you might want to edit your responses.

erichw1504's avatar

@J0E It’s too late! Oh well, just remember my question is about just what I normally do while driving, not anything crazy I do while driving

erichw1504's avatar

This one time, I saw this car sitting at a light and these guys were rocking it up and down extremely high. The car must have had horrible suspension.

By up and down I mean the front and back of the car were rising up and down alternately

sjmc1989's avatar

This morning I was studying for a test, smoking, and texting while driving. Don’t judge ME!!

erichw1504's avatar

I’ve seen a guy reading a newspaper using both hands while driving.

sarahboreal's avatar

Girl putting on make up while swerving all over the road.

sjmc1989's avatar

Oh and things I have seen in other cars I’ve seen road head a few times. Thats the only one that comes to mind.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@J0E the absolute craziest thing I’ve ever seen was an entire family on a road trip. Here’s how it was in their minivan: Grandma, Grandpa and son in the back seats. Mom was driving whilst she had a hard cover novel on the steering wheel and was indeed looking down and reading….Dad had a newspaper open all the way and was reading it whilst sitting shotgun. this was beofre the days where everyone had a cell phone, so there was no one to call to report this to

One that was almost as bad was seen when my mom was driving me to middle school. We were on a two lane road where the speed limit is 25MPH. The lady ahead of us was doing less the whole way. We couldn’t figure out why until we could see what she was doing when we got to a stop sign. She had a portable file on her passenger seat and was doing filing while she was driving.

Also before the days of the cell, a car full of college kids passing a joint whilst driving erratically at about 1am on the express way…they were also passing a beer can around….That was just scary!

bhec10's avatar

I’ve never really seen anything crazy except the usual mobile phone and newspaper reading, but this is pretty amazing.

casheroo's avatar

The other day, while on a highway, a van in the lane to our right kept semi swerving into out lane, making me and my husband extremely nervous. So, he sped up to pass it and I look over to a lady eating yogurt at the wheel. I couldn’t believe it.

sarahboreal's avatar

@bvdshec17 Holy crap. That is amazing. I hope he didn’t kill himself or anyone else later down the road.

@casheroo my mother always eats when she drives, and it scares me. Her reaction time goes way way down. But she won’t listen to reason, gives me the whole ‘I’ve been driving since before you were born’ lecture.

wilma's avatar

I try to just drive while I’m at the wheel, but I have seen other people having sex while they were driving.

trailsillustrated's avatar

putting on mascara looking into the rear view mirror, while talking on a cell phone at the same time. a female passenger peeing into a bowl. I have seen these

erichw1504's avatar

Once I saw a massive amount of smoke pour out of a car’s windows as they open them.

Wonder what they were doing…

J0E's avatar

@erichw1504 Probably a laser light show or making dry ice.

deni's avatar

One time I got a ride of fCraigslist from this woman who kept writing in her journal while driving. We were in the Rocky Mountains. I WAS TERRIFIED. But still laughed at the situation. Then the truck in front of us let off some nasty exhaust and she yelled “MY GOD, GRAB A LEMON FROM THE BACK SEAT AND CUT IT, QUICK!!!!!!!” it was a funny time.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Reading. This one bugs me to no end. People have a map or even a book or a class paper sitting on their steering wheel. Reading it while driving. Hello!!!!!

I’ve also seen all the typical: putting on makeup, eating a difficult meal, texting, talking on the phone, yelling at kids, talking to passenger and not looking at road nearly ever, playing with their dog, etc…

RedPowerLady's avatar

@mrentropy @sjmc I don’t think it’s funny. A friend of mine, her father was killed by someone changing CDs.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@RedPowerLady One of my HS bff’s nearly killed herself & her little sis by changing radio stations while driving in the rain. Luckily she was driving the family “clunker” which was a ginormous station wagon.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover That is so so scary! I wish there were more education about this. Cars are considered deadly weapons, I think we should take them more seriously.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@RedPowerLady I think we are going to see a lot more inattentive driving now that most schools systems have done away with Drivers Ed

sarahboreal's avatar

@SpatzieLover Driver’s Ed never did anyone in my class any good. They all still drive with two feet and text while driving. =/

sjmc1989's avatar

@RedPowerLady I don’t think I ever stated that it was funny but most likely everyone has done something while driving that lead them to not pay attention to the road and if they say they haven’t they are probably lying. After I did that this morning I promised I wouldn’t do it again. So no I do not think it’s funny. I have also had several friends die from similar situations and I have gotten in a wreck so I know the consequences and I try to get better about it.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover good point

@sjmc1989 thank you for clarifying, I apologize for making assumptions, i am so happy you decided not to do so anymore

erichw1504's avatar

@sarahboreal I drive with two feet, one for the pedals and the other for stomping on the floor when other drivers are being retarded.

StephK's avatar

The other day I was dressed up and one of my heels kept falling off my foot. I was at a stoplight coming out of a plaza area and took off my shoe to examine it closer, not bothering to pay attention to the light. Then I looked up and noticed it had turned green without me knowing…The lady behind me was NOT happy. At all.

Edit: I forgot to implicate other people while implicating myself! Once, I saw a lady on the interstate painting her toenails. Her foot was propped up on the dashboard.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t know what it is, but I can’t remember ever seeing someone else trying to multitask (except for cell phones) at the wheel. I’ve seen erratic drivers, but I wasn’t able to see what was making them erratic.

My wife and I were driving one time, somewhere on a New York thruway, after dark, I believe. I don’t know if anyone saw what we were doing… or what she was doing to me as I drove slower and slower in the right lane. That was a fantasy fulfilled!

@wilma I’ve always wondered how that could be accomplished while driving.

sjmc1989's avatar

@RedPowerLady Your very welcome If my mother knew I did that she would kill me!

sarahboreal's avatar

@erichw1504 Ha ha ha! Amen. I also drive with two feet when I’m driving a manual.

mrentropy's avatar

@simc1989 I forgot to add texting to mine :(

Facade's avatar

Smack their kids

Alana2009's avatar

Just the other day I saw a guy shaving his beard while driving with an electric shaver. Must have been running late. My friend once pumped beast milk while driving. I’m still amazed at that one.

Shuttle128's avatar

I’m sure you guys have seen people playing the ‘drums’ on their steering wheel…...well I saw someone playing the ‘drums’ on their steering wheel using real drumsticks! It was so wild I took a picture with my camera phone.

erichw1504's avatar

@Shuttle128 That is wild! Got to try that out on the way home.

wilma's avatar

@daloon put the seat back all the way. She sat on his lap facing him…. I suppose the cruise control may have been on. I was behind them, and then passed their car. I don’t think they even cared who saw them, they probably didn’t even know I was there.

ubersiren's avatar

A cop almost hit me once while attempting to turn and eat a foot-long at the same time. A cop!

Dr_C's avatar

When i was in high school there were the occasional “drug wars” between cartels in Tijuana (i split my time between Tijuana Mexico and San Diego CA.. they border each other FYI). You never really had an issue with that because it really was just between the cartels and you hardly ever heard of any collateral damage or casualties. Once driving home from a club with friends there was a chase/shoot-out between to huge black SUV’s… and since there was a bit of traffic the kinda slowed (ever stopped thank God) at the intersection we had come to… there were people hanging out the windows of both SUV’s shooting.. but the guy driving the second one was actually biting down on what looked like a burger. I sat there and could not believe what I had just seen. Next dayon the news… it said they had caught the people oinvolved.. there were no deaths.. one wounded guy… and the anchor laughed as he reported that the driver of one of the cars asked the cops to wait for him to finish his food before they cuffed him.

Only in Mexico.

jeanna's avatar

I drive really well with my knees, so I am able to do a few things while driving (though I don’t do many things often). I used to be addicted to masturbating while driving; not quite any more, but people would see me doing that. I’ve seen a woman giving a man a blowjob before (the man was driving).

Dr_C's avatar

@jeanna wanna go on a road trip?
I’m pretty handy at driving with my knees too… being inordinately tall helps

RedPowerLady's avatar

you can’t be good at driving with your knees, that is absurd, think about the lives you are putting at risk

jeanna's avatar

@RedPowerLady Considering you don’t know me nor my driving skills, it isn’t quite fair to say it is absurd. I’ve been doing it for 10+ years without ever getting in a wreck or swerving even a bit.

jeanna's avatar

@Dr_C haha So you can watch? :P

RedPowerLady's avatar

@jeanna As a matter of fact I don’t need to know you to know that driving with your knees is horribly dangerous. It allows for no control if something were to happen. And just because you haven’t been in an accident in the last ten years does not mean that you won’t be in one in the next ten years. That is faulty reasoning. You are putting people’s lives at stake. And that is not your choice, by law.

jeanna's avatar

@RedPowerLady I never said I do it often. Calm down. sheesh

jeanna's avatar

@Dr_C don’t let @RedPowerLady know you’re good at driving with your knees! spanking you will get.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@jeanna Like I said above I’ve seen the effects that unsafe driving behavior has on a family when a member is killed from it. I am ‘riled up’ for a pretty clear reason.

Dr_C's avatar

@jeanna tell you what… you do what you want while driving on our road trip.. I’ll watch and hold the wheel (or anything else that requires my attention) if it becomes necessary :)

jeanna's avatar

@RedPowerLady last response I will give regarding this since it has pulled away from the question. Once again you make assumptions about me and my experiences. I’m part of a family that has lived through a tragedy because of unsafe driving, so take your assumptions and judgments elsewhere. thanks. :)

jeanna's avatar

@Dr_C just for that, I must add you to my fluther.

Dr_C's avatar

@jeanna right back at ya

RedPowerLady's avatar

@jeanna even more reason you shouldn’t be doing it

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

The first time I saw a person smoke crack from a glass pipe thing in person, it was a Red light intersection as I rolled up alongside.

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dabbler's avatar

On a parkway (limited access, 2 lanes each direction, cars only) with flow-of-traffic around 70mph I saw something very odd looking behind me in the rearview mirror, looked like some transformer machine with a wheel in the air. But it was someone on a motorcycle riding a wheelie. He went past and did it a few more times for a quarter or half mile at a time. No mishap, impressive, but madness.

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