General Question

sethpiper's avatar

Is there a simple flash or jquery code that can do this?

Asked by sethpiper (19points) January 9th, 2010

I’m coding a photography site for my friend, and I was wondering if there was a simple flash or jquery solution to do a photo browser like the one in this site

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6 Answers

reactor5's avatar

try searching for jquery lightbox

I haven’t used a lot of them, but thickbox is pretty good. Here’s another list.

sethpiper's avatar

I have used those before, but I really am looking for something that doesn’t pop out above the rest of the content. Really need something more embedded like that site above

jrpowell's avatar

I’m a fan of Galleria.

reactor5's avatar

well then make an unordered list, and add a class on the active one. Cycle the class through with the $().addClass(); and $().removeClass() functions. That’s all there is to it. All you have to do is call a next and previous function with the links. Of course, that’s assuming people have javascript installed. If they don’t, you might wanna just put all the images visible inside a noscript tag.

sferik's avatar

Why don’t you just view source on the page you linked to?

It looks like he’s including jquery.js and fadeslideshow.js, then initializing a fadeSlideShow object, like so:

var mygallery2 = new fadeSlideShow({
  wrapperid: "fadeshow2",
  //ID of blank DIV on page to house Slideshow
  dimensions: [800, 500],
  //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image
  imagearray: [
  ["images/landscapes/014.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/015.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/013.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/012.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/001.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/002.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/003.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/004.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/005.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/006.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/007.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/008.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/009.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/010.jpg", "", "", ""],
  ["images/landscapes/011.jpg", "", "", ""]

  displaymode: {
    type: ‘manual’,
    pause: 2500,
    cycles: 0,
    wraparound: true
  persist: false,
  //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
  fadeduration: 500,
  //transition duration (milliseconds)
  descreveal: "always",
  togglerid: "fadeshow2toggler"

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