General Question

prolificus's avatar

Are you able to overlook spelling/grammitcal errors after the edit window has closed?

Asked by prolificus (6583points) March 13th, 2010 from iPhone

Unless you’re perfect, I’m sure a minor spelling and/or grammatical error has slipped your attention. Maybe you’re a perfectionist like me and will draft some questions in Word for the added benefit of spell check.

Let’s say you are a perfectionist, you have checked your work prior to hitting the submit button, and you’ve rechecked and possibly made some edits within the allotted time frame.

Then, after several responses received, you notice an error. By the time you notice, it’s too late to fix without flagging the question.

Do you go through the trouble of flagging the question, knowing that the turn around to having it back online can vary and feel to take forever sometimes?  Or, do you ignore the error and hope no one else sees it?  Or, do you think obsessively about it without taking any corrective action?

Obviously such things are not a big deal to many, so please enjoy expressing your snarky comments.  For the rest of us perfectionists, are you able to overlook your errors?  Do you wish you could correct the errors of other Flutherites?

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23 Answers

lilikoi's avatar

I am not able to overlook the typo if I can go back and correct it. If I can’t, I move on.

ArtiqueFox's avatar

I can tolerate errors on my questions. It’s posted and by that time answers are more important to me than properly placed periods.

However, what drives me insane is poor grammar on my answers! I think darn horrible spelling on display for all to see! The unthinkable! I’ve flagged my own answers before, just so I can redo correctly. I will edit my answers four to five times after I have submitted (like I’m doing now). Firefox’s spell check is installed especially for Fluther in my case. This sounds ridiculous, but its what I do.

I really need to improve my time management skills.

njnyjobs's avatar

I would most likely notice typos but I am forgiving, especially if I am able to decipher what the word is.

john65pennington's avatar

Maybe to a new comer to Fluther…..for a short while. then, they should edit their questions and answers, before they are sent. i do this for several reasons. the main reason is i do not want to look like an idiot to my friends and the world. typos are not excuses for good grammar. i have a dictionary and i use it frequently.

njnyjobs's avatar

@prolificus…how do you feel about your own question? Do you think that you had paerfectly stated your piece?

prolificus's avatar

@njnyjobs – I’m sure there’s room for improvement. What is perfect any way?

ucme's avatar

Surely as long as the question is legible & the point is not lost in a haze of errors,then that should be all that is required.Don’t care about the odd error, really not important to me.

susanc's avatar

I hate it, because then I can’t get mean about other people’s grammar/typos/crappy spelling.

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t really have another choice, now do I?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

“grammitcal”........misspelled. LOL

absalom's avatar

At that point I just let it go, but feel a little embarrassed.

You also asked if I wish I could correct others’ errors on Fluther. No, that would take too long. There are just too many.

Also, lol @ “grammitcal.” :]

Also, pointing out preemptively that the error is not an example of irony. #_#

prolificus's avatar

@jbfletcherfan – UGH UGH FRICKIN A GRRRRR!!!!!!!

You know how many times I rechecked my work!!!????!!!! Thanks… It’s actually kinda funny :-)

thriftymaid's avatar

No. If I reread my answer and find a mistake I go back and correct. I just don’t always read it again.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@prolificus Guess I’m kind of anal on stuff like that. Sorry…couldn’t let that go. Hahaaaa

starshine's avatar

Once, on a different site, I was trying to write “if you were in my position…”, and then changed my mind and decided to write “if you were me…” but it came out as “if you were in me…” that was awkward, and I couldn’t fix it.

wundayatta's avatar

If you use Mozilla or Chrome, there’s a spell checker built in. You don’t have to compose in Word. Sometimes, though, it doesn’t recognize real words. Sigh.

I actually don’t care too much about spelling as long as I can understand the word. I do care about grammar because there have been a few questions here where I have no idea what they are getting at.

As for me—I’m a pretty good speller without spell checker. I do read my stuff over a lot of the time, to see if it makes sense. My biggest problem is unclear antecedents. I try to fix that when I catch it. Also, I use too many commas.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Yeah, the stuff I write on Firefox shows me when I goof up. But it’s my emails & IMs that get me. I always go back & proof before I hit the send button. It sometimes looks like I’m typing with my toes. :-/

Berserker's avatar

I like making my posts error free, and will edit them often, however if the time’s up and I notice that I left something in there, I don’t worry about it.

janbb's avatar

I am a perfectionist with poor typing and spelling skills. A winning combination. I check and recheck, and if an error stays in, kick and rekick. But unless the error was really big, I probably wouldn’t flag a question for re-editing. I have been known to send “edits” on pms even; proof them before sending, send, reread and then notice the error. GRRR!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. I just blame it on the iPhones spell checking thingy.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t care about it too much.If someone gets their idea across,I am perfectly fine with it….could you tuck your shirt in please? ;)

prolificus's avatar

More fluthering has decreased my stress over non-correctable errors. I think it’s more important to participate in conversation than to worry about perfection.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

It really bothers me when I notice errors in things I have posted on here after my editing time is over, so I try not to pay too much attention to them. I don’t remember ever actually flagging anything on this site. On another site I use, I have a habit of contacting a Community Leader and asking him or her to please fix that spelling mistake or add that word I missed when I notice an error in something I posted. As for other people’s spelling and grammar mistakes, I can handle those quite easily. Just not my own.

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