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weeeee's avatar

In school did your fellow students refuse to say grace?

Asked by weeeee (62points) April 17th, 2010

I was watching an American news segment were children bullied a child because he didn’t say grace with everyone else in school.
This seems totally bizarre to me from my days in school the vicar and teachers would try and get us to say grace but we would all refuse to I’m guessing because the were all mostly atheists and asking around it was the same for all the schools in this area.

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19 Answers

syz's avatar

I assume you are talking about Catholic school? I attended a “Christian” academy and the subject never came up – we didn’t say grace.

weeeee's avatar

No just a regular comprehensive. At the end of assembly we would have to say it.

janbb's avatar

In public school in America, we never said grace. Only George Burns did.

knitfroggy's avatar

I went to public school in a very small Mennonite community. I recall saying grace before lunch up until 3rd grade. I think it had to do more with the teachers than anything else. My K thru 3rd grade teachers were older ladies and my 4th grade teacher was a young lady right out of school. No one ever refused to say grace, we just did it because we were either used to doing it at home or because they told us to. I can imagine the uproar if they had kids say grace nowadays in public school. I started Kindergarten in 1980.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’ve been in a few confrontations over such things. The prep school I attended was nominally “Christian” (mandatory chapel, etc.) and I was a vocal atheist at the time. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but a straight punch in the face has a quieting effect on bullying religious fanatics.

DarkScribe's avatar

No they didn’t – I was the only one who refused.

JLeslie's avatar

I went to public school in the Northeast in America so there was no grace said, the topic never came up.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Whether or not one should say something is all one’s right. I don’t think other people can force their will to other people just because they’re higher in status.

JLeslie's avatar

The question seems to be children bullying other children, I don’t see how status enters into that?

Your_Majesty's avatar

I’m was saying in case a teacher/other adult force someone to do this.

laureth's avatar

Nobody at my school had to refuse because grace was never brought up, thank God.

DarkScribe's avatar

@laureth thank God.

Did you just say grace?

rangerr's avatar

Public school, ftw.

Sarcasm's avatar

@weeeee If you had a Vicar at your school, it was not a “regular” school.
Not only did I never say grace at a school, I didn’t even think such a thing even happened, anywhere. Ever. I’m glad I didn’t go to school in whatever crazy part of this nation this happens in($10 says it was in the south).

janbb's avatar

@Sarcasm I’m figuring @weeeee went to school in England.

weeeee's avatar

I live in the UK, the vicar only came in every few weeks but we said grace every week.

JeffVader's avatar

Lots of them, including me refused!

Sophief's avatar

We never had to, but I doubt very much that we would of done, if we did have to.

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