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IsseyBaby's avatar

What is the simple formula for calculating Infiltration Rates?

Asked by IsseyBaby (21points) May 4th, 2010

So i have this Geography project regarding the effects of soil types on infiltration rates, and i would like to know the simple formula to calculate the infiltration rate in (mm/min)? Because all the websites that i’ve been to all gave me the formula for (mm/h) :X

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4 Answers

bongo's avatar

I would say use the mm/min equation then multiply by 60 to get the mm/hour.

IsseyBaby's avatar

But what is the mm/min equation?

LuckyGuy's avatar

If you have the rate in mm/hr you divide that by 60 to get mm/min. (60 minutes in one hour)

roundsquare's avatar

mm/min = (1/60) * mm/hr

If you make $60.00 an hour you make $1.00 a minute.

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