General Question

mcw's avatar

How many presidents have NOT served in the military?

Asked by mcw (208points) March 18th, 2008 from iPhone

Or if obama or Hillary won, would it be the first time?

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13 Answers

Besafe's avatar

None – they were all commanders in chief – grin

GD_Kimble's avatar

no, a great number of them haven’t served in the military, including such names as John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, & Bill Clinton.
...and by the way commander-in-chief isn’t a military position. It’s a civilian office.

hairypalm's avatar

gd answered it right on the nose. Give be score!

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

How about our current prez?

okc405's avatar

George Bush (baby bush) was an officer in the Texas Air National Guard as a pilot. He earned the rank of 1st lt and was discharged after he failed to make a medical appointment.

Poser's avatar

@GD—Commander-in-chief is a military term. The President isn’t a “commander” over civilians. He is the head of the executive branch of government and the commander of the armed forces. Two separate jobs, held by one elected official.

GD_Kimble's avatar

Yes. I’m aware of what the CIC is. What I mean is the president of the US, while serving as our commander-in-chief is not a military officer, because it’s a violation of the constitution for a military officer to serve as president. That’s why he doesn’t wear a uniform the way CIC/presidents in other nations do (see: Castro)
If a military officer decided to run for president, he’d have to resign his commission before taking office.
I simply meant the office, by definition is held by a civilian.

Poser's avatar

@GD—You wording just confused me. Technically, it is a military position, just one held by a civilian.

okc405's avatar

It is a military postion, in fact he is the only civilian that is saluted by the armed forces. he serves in every armed forces members chain of command, in the air force it goes, squadron commander, group, wing, numbered AF, secdef, then president.

Poser's avatar

@okc—Not quite. The SECDEF and various other civilian military leadership warrant salutes.

okc405's avatar

@poser, no sir. I beg to differ. The transformers movie got it wrong. But maybe everyone else in the military is getting it wrong too. I mean its possible for everyone in the DoD is just fuckin up, but I was taught by a rude man in a smokey the bear hat that the only civilian that is rendered a salute is the President.

sundayBastard's avatar

okc405 is correct. I spent 10 years in the army and met papa and baby Bush and I had to salute both of their sorry asses.

drephd's avatar

The president is not a member of the military. Under our constitutional form of government, we have an elected head of state to whom our military answers. When the president’s term of office is over, a newly elected representative of the people, a new president, takes the oath of office and there is a peaceful transfer of power. The continuation of our constitutional form of government depends on a military that willingly answers to a civil servant elected by the people to protect and defend the Constitution.

It is interesting to note that three of the first five presidents (Adams, Jefferson, Madison) had no military experience. These men not only held the title of Commander-in-Chief, they participated in the drafting of the Constitution that created it. Apparently, the Framers did not intend military service to be a litmus test for the presidency.

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