General Question

jca's avatar

Does anybody think that what's happening off the coast of North Korea, with the resulting threats from China, is scary in any way?

Asked by jca (36062points) July 26th, 2010

The US is doing a naval exercise off the coast of North Korea, and North Korea has issued a strong threat of nuclear retaliation to try to deter the US from doing the exercise. China has also threatened the US as a result.

Does anybody think any of this is really scary?

Why is it necessary for us to show our muscles to prove a point? or am i incorrect?

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17 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

Scary in ALL ways. It’s the kind of scenario for nuclear confrontation that’s always been most likely. And anyone who thinks we’re safe because it might happen on the other side of the globe needs to come out of their cave and smell the radiation.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It’s just political posturing. But never let it be said that poor posture can’t really fuck you up later on in life.

Austinlad's avatar

Posturing can lead to bad outcomes—it’s been proven in history again and again.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Yeah that’s what I said.

ragingloli's avatar

The US probably wants an escalation. Remember, that Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #34 states that “War is good for business”.

poofandmook's avatar

I don’t understand why this threat wouldn’t have us high-tailing it home…

Ron_C's avatar

Remember the main threat comes from a guy with lifts in his shoes, funny haircut, and spends time making people think he’s a god.

We cannot back off when this idiot puffs his chest. He needs a reminder of what the real world thinks of him. I doubt that even his highest officers will be willing to actually fire a nuclear missile and face certain annihilation. If so, then it is time for the North to become a smoking crater. I don’t think that even China will risk a nuclear war to defend the creep.

KhiaKarma's avatar

@ragingloli if you mean US- the few power hungry rich men (and maybe a couple women) who do not really represent the whole. The US population I know does NOT want escalation….it’s just a big, dangerous pissing contest.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I think it is worrisome, but not scary. @poofandmook Sometimes hightailing it causes more harm than good.

When Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler in 1939, it was done to promote peace and prevent a war. All it ended up doing was convincing Hitler that England and France would not go to war for Poland.

poofandmook's avatar

I try to avoid the news for this reason.. stuff makes me paranoid. Since that’s the case, maybe someone could PM me and tell me what this exercise is that’s so darned important? If I google it, I’ll just worry about whatever sensationalist spin the media puts on it :\

Adagio's avatar

I live in NZ but feel rather disquieted by the threats and counter threats… the world is a small place.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I think it’s all a big lie. World leaders sit around and complain that they have problems at home and wish there was a way to move attention to something else.

“Hey! Let’s play War! and scare the shit out of everybody. Pass the donuts Kim.”

mammal's avatar

yeah i think China should orchestrate a massive naval exercise off the coast of Cuba or Venezuela see how that goes down, like a Rat sandwich i suspect. The commander in chief who sanctioned this idiocy has lost the plot. Scary stuff. i know, lets torment the schizophrenic dude just to see what might happen. i’m hoping the US navy will slope off with it’s tale between it’s legs pretty much like in Afghanistan in a few months time. Or is America trying to compensate for it’s inability to crush the Taliban.

woodcutter's avatar

is this not in international waters with more than the US involved?

WestRiverrat's avatar

Russia concluded a large scale exercise with Venezuela and Cuba in the Caribbean not too long ago. I don’t see that as a problem.

woodcutter's avatar

And didn’t N. Korea just sink a S Korean warship recently? I would say the fuse is lit now.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Relax folks. Go get some Ben and Jerry’s and chill. Nothing is going to happen. It’s all a lie.

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