Social Question

ladyv900's avatar

What were the most annoying, irritating things you hate that your parents did(or use to do when you was younger)?

Asked by ladyv900 (713points) September 25th, 2010

With me, almost every time in the middle of the night or very early in the morning,one of my parents constantly coughing,then making loud snorts like every few seconds(which wakes me up and can’t get back to sleep),then sometimes spit in the bathroom sink and just leave the disgusting mucus there.

And everytime she got something stuck in her teeth after eating,she loudly sucks with her tongue trying to get the stuff out the entire day or the entire car ride.Gets mad when someone tells her it’s annoying to the ear though with company.But still,she’s my parent and still love them,How about you?

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21 Answers

daytonamisticrip's avatar

My mom constantly blames me and calls me a liar, even before asking my brother if he knows anything.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My mom & dad had a pair of horrible pants they shared because they each liked the pattern so well and they wore the same size. The pants were low rise bell bottoms made out of heavy cotton/poly denim stuff, they were a browinsh purple with orange dashes going lengthwise and red medallions. It seemed to me they would purposefully wear “The Pants” whenever other kids parents were coming to our house to check us out.

FutureMemory's avatar

My grandfather chews with his mouth open. He has a very wide mouth, and he eats VERY slowly, so when sitting at the dinner table I literally have to stare down at my plate the entire time to keep from gagging.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mother used to wake me up for school by singing songs from Cinderella.I hated it.
I hated it even more when she would toss a cold,wetr washrag on my face XD I wanted to wrestle her to the floor! Now,I wish she was still around to sing

zwingli's avatar

My parents were the same height and would exchange sweaters and jackets. So my dad at times would be wearing jackets that were feminine looking. Then my mom would be on the other side. Just embarrassing. They still do this today.

rebbel's avatar

My mother used to (and still does occasionally) ask me, or my brothers: “Do you want something to drink, a coke maybe?”
I answered: “No thanks, i am not thirsty” and then she started a whole list of other drinks that i could get.
“You want coffee maybe? no, tea? no, a beer? no thanks, i’m fine, something else then? noooooooooo, leave me alone…~
Then, after an hour or so, if i asked for a coke she then told me: “I just asked you if you wanted something to drink but you didn’t.”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

My mom is an alcoholic, so she does a lot of things that annoy me, sorry to say. My dad talks a LOT during movies. Drives me crazy.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

That when I say I’m leaving for the evening, she demands to know what I’ll be doing – what does it matter?! and no, I don’t answer her.

whatthefluther's avatar

Physical, emotional and verbal abuse as well as incessant name calling. I “escaped” from it by pouring everything I had into my studies by holing myself in my room and freezing my emotions. I survived it and display nearly none of it. Once independent, I successfully thawed those emotions, but I occasionally and regretfully find myself guilty of name calling, which I recognize as a serious character flaw. My brother chose drugs as his escape and it is a subjective call if he “survived” (he is quite fucked up and has been institutionalized most of his “life”). My sister became one of them and it is a wonder she didn’t completely fuck up her kids (very strong genes and good character in their father, I suspect).
See ya….Gary/wtf

snowberry's avatar

Smoking. Never could stand it; never will. Yuck.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Only one: When the phone would ring and Dad answered it. If it was a boy calling for me, he’d say, “Pied? I don’t know a Pied. Honey…do we have a Pied living here?” Meanwhile, I’m making a mad dash for the phone receiver. It’s a miracle that they ever stayed on the line long enough to actually get a chance to talk to them.

MissAusten's avatar

My mom used to embarrass me terribly as a kid, all the way up through high school. In 5th grade, she forced me to call a boy in my class that she knew I had a crush on and ask him to a movie. She made me wear makeup to school in 4th grade, which resulted in a bunch of other kids yelling about it to the teacher. I was very shy and wanted to crawl under my desk and hide. My junior year of high school, she was with me when I picked up my prom dress at the mall. There was a boy working in another store that I had a huge crush on, and my mom took the dress into that store, showed it to the boy, and gushed like this, “Won’t she just look beautiful? Isn’t it a great dress? All she needs now is a DATE.” Oh God kill me now. That’s a small sample. She was constantly doing things like that, maybe to try to force me not to be so shy. I got over it on my own in college, but to this day I hate being in public with her.

My mom also didn’t get along well with my dad, although they stayed together until I was a senior in college. She viewed me as her confidante and told me way too many personal things about their marriage. From the time I was 8 years old she talked about leaving him when my brother and I were older. She worked very hard for years to make sure my brother and I were on “her side,” doing all kinds of little things to make my dad out to be the bad guy. This was far more damaging than her habit of embarrassing me in public. I didn’t realize until I was an adult that my dad wasn’t nearly so bad as she made him out to be and that she had, in fact, been telling lies about him for years. :(

My dad did a lot of weird things that bugged me when I was a kid. He was a big fan of the “pull my finger” joke. Anytime he walked past me or my brother, he’d put his hand on our heads and say, “Bless you my child.” Every. Single. Time. He smoked constantly (he has a 3 pack a day habit), which I was used to so didn’t think about much unless we were in the car. He’d light a cigarette and then refuse to roll the window down right away. He’d wait until the car was full of smoke and we were all yelling at him before cracking a window, and thought that was a great joke. He also refused to listen to music in the car. Only talk radio, and usually Rush Limbaugh. Driving six hours to college for the first time, I thought I was going to lose my mind!

amazingme's avatar

My dad has no patience and gets mad very fast. If I get off work at 7, he’ll call me at 7:03 wondering why I am not outside waiting for him and he’ll get pissed off.
My brother’s freshmen homecoming was insanely embarrassing (even though I wasn’t there) because my brother was supposed to be outside at 11 and it was like 11:10. He called my brother, and my brother told him that he’d be right out because the halls were crowded. So, not caring about the fact that my brother was in public and with friends, my dad storms into homecoming and literally yells and flails his arms around yelling my brother’s name.
My dad gets mad at everything…and not just a calm type of mad. Like the type of mad where he punches holes in the wall and breaks the steering column.

If there is ever one mention of a boy’s name in one of my conversations, my mom always asks me “Should I know about this boy?”...No, mom…stop being annoying. lol.
If I go shopping with my mom and she picks something out she says, “You may not like this but try it” and then gets really annoyed if I don’t actually like it.

They’re embarrassing, but I love them.

aprilsimnel's avatar

She would talk and talk and talk while I was trying to watch a program.

Gaaaah! Shut uuuuppp!

Moegitto's avatar

…not feed me, and tell me not to eat out of the fridge…

FutureMemory's avatar

@aprilsimnel My father does the same thing. Anytime we watch a military or science program on History channel he talks non-stop about all the shit they’re already talking about. It’s neat that he knows so much, but damn, just shut up and watch it, you know?!? I call it “Dad’s Interactive Viewing Experience”.

Berserker's avatar

I used to hate how my mom always told me to shut up at the dinner table, saying she wanted silence, but then two minutes later wouldn’t stop babbling to her psychotic boyfriend.

YARNLADY's avatar

My parents were both heavy smokers and smelled terrible because of it. It was especially embarrassing in church.

Aster's avatar

Mom: opening my bedroom door, often, when I was 18 and asking, “are you alright?” OK: maybe it was sweet. But I was just reading & listening to music! Actually, I think she was just going nuts wondering what I was doing in there! Secondly: piling up stuff in her cart when we’d go shopping at a discount store. I mean, a dozen tops, towels, rugs, just STUFF like out of boredom. So, not too bad. She was nice and very patient. Nicer than I was, that’s for sure!
Dad: clanking his spoon on the cereal bowl on Saturday mornings which woke me up. Second: beer burps while watching tv. Pretty loud. Cussing continually , while joking with my older siblings. This really upset me a lot when I was a pre-teen. But, he was nice. He was too nice to me for what I really deserved! Darn good parents.

trailsillustrated's avatar

why do I read this? hell funny, bittersweet, and a lesson. my favourite thread. thanks, peeps

Dandrnbrgr's avatar

My stepmom made loud noises when she would chew her food. Sounded like her jaw was popping or something. I used to absolutely HATE it! Even today as an adult, whenever I hear someone chewing loudly it makes me want to go postal.

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