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chelle21689's avatar

Can someone please help me with a rational equation word problem?

Asked by chelle21689 (7907points) October 24th, 2010

I’m having a very difficult time getting the answer. Can someone please tell me how to set up this word problem?

‘The speed of Lazy River’s current is 5mph. If a boat travels 20 miles downstream in the same time it takes to travel 10 miles upstream, find the speed of the boat in still water.’

I keep getting 10/3 but it’s completely wrong. The answer is 15.

What am I doing wrong I put 10/X = 20/X+5 and then I cross multiply. What am I doing wrong??

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5 Answers

gasman's avatar

Time = Distance / Speed

Let x = speed of boat in still water
Then downstream speed = x+5
upstream speed = x-5

So equating the times upstream & downstream yields:
20 / (x+5) = 10 / (x-5)

Now “cross-multiply”, i.e., multiply both sides of the equation by (x+5)*(x-5) to give:
20x – 100 = 10x + 50
Answer is 15.
This kind of problem can be tricky!
Hope that helps.

chelle21689's avatar

I had it that way before. My biggest problem was the set up. I got x-5 and 5-x mixed up. Thanks!!!

PhiNotPi's avatar

Well you can look at it this way:
The speed of the river current works either against or with the boat depending upon direction
Downstream speed = speed + current (adding because current helps the boat)
Upstream speed = speed – current (subtracting because the current slows the boat)
You only need to solve one of these, so lets pick downstream
20 = s + 5
s = 15

gasman's avatar

Wait a minute, @PhiNotPi—I don’t think it’s so simple. You can’t equate distance with speed. As it happens, distance figures were given for exactly one hour of travel, which need not be the case. The problem could just as easily have been stated, “The boat travels 14 miles downstream in the same time it takes it to travel 7 miles upstream.”, giving the same answer of 15 mph but with a different equation. Likewise if the river flows only 3 mph rather than 5, the same boat will travel 3 miles downstream in the time it takes to go 2 miles upstream. Still 15 mph.

PhiNotPi's avatar

@gasman you’re right. Here is my revised solution.
From the problem, you end up with a system of equations
(x+5)*t=20, and
(-x+5)*t=-10, where x is speed and t is time in hours.
The first equation simplifies to
And the second equation simplifies to
-xt+5t = -10
Add them together to make
10t=10, or
Then subtitute this into one of the first two equations
(x+5)*1 = 20

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