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FutureMemory's avatar

When choosing a pet, does the sex of the animal affect your decision?

Asked by FutureMemory (24753points) December 5th, 2010

One thing that I really can’t stand is when a male dog humps someone’s leg. For this reason alone, whenever I’ve considered adopting a new dog I’ve chosen a female – is this a valid enough reason? Can a male dog be easily trained to not hump everything in sight?

(This question is not specific to my reason mentioned above. I’m curious what you take into consideration when choosing the sex of a pet, and why.)

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15 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

If I am looking for a dog to show then I usually choose a male because the dog show world is like the rest of the world, males have the advantage (most of the time) because of size mostly and sometimes coat (some bitches blow coat while in season.)

For a pet I like a female because I hate walking a male dog down a city street and having him try to lift his leg on every vertical object we pass. That said, my favorite dog of all time, and I have owned and dealt with thousands, was a castrated male akita. He read my mind, had perfect manners, meaning he was not a great marker, and was the best dog I ever owned. Now I have a dingo mix and she comes close but I don’t think anyone will ever be as good as my akita.

augustlan's avatar

I do have a preference but as all the pets I’ve had have come to me through chance or from the available animals at a shelter, I haven’t had much occasion to actually put my preference into action. Almost all of the cats I’ve ever had have been female, and they varied widely in terms of how ‘good’ a pet each was. My favorite call of all time was a male. He was the first male I’d ever had, and I think he spoiled me for life. I’ve always wanted another like him. The only other male cat I had (years later) was my least favorite of all of my pets. Weirdly, that didn’t kill this probably ridiculous idea in my head that male cats are preferable.

downtide's avatar

I have no preference with dogs. With rats, I would choose male. Female domestic rats are prone to mammary cancers and generally live only half as long as males, and it’s a horrible thing to watch them suffer from. Males are also lazier and more docile, and there’s less risk of them escaping during out-of-cage playtime.

I have no experience of any other kind of pet.

ucme's avatar

We’ve always kept bitches. I guess I like the bitch in em.

BoBo1946's avatar

As a dog lover that has had male and female dogs, I perfer a female. They are easier to train and females show more affection.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Yes I do. I prefer to only have male cats and female dogs.
Male cats, in my experience, tend to be more social and get along better with each other and with people. I think that female cats are more likely to be skittish and selective.
My preference for female dogs isn’t so well thought out. I’ve just had bad experiences in the past with male dogs (being bitten/having my leg humped).

marinelife's avatar

I tend to like male animals. Both of my favorite dogs have been male. But I have had a wonderful female dog (and they do have traits I like) and female cats.

@FutureMemory I have never had a male dog that humped someone’s leg.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not really.I have both a male and a female cat.The dog I have now is a female.

syz's avatar

As a gross generalization, I find that female dogs and male cats make the best pets. However, I would hesitate to get any more male cats because they have such a risk of urinary blockages.

partyparty's avatar

Quite by chance our first dog was a rescued female who had been used for breeding purposes. Such a lovely dog.
Since then I have always opted for females. They are really affectionate .. just want to be near you all the time.

tinyfaery's avatar

I prefer the females of all species. However, my boy cat ( the only one I have ever had) is my baby. He is also a horrible brat. I don’t think I’ll ever get another boy cat.

Aster's avatar

Now that I“ve had both, and for years, I like females more. Males dig holes in flowerbeds AND IN YARDS and my female dog is much, much more affectionate. Love ‘em equally , though.

OpryLeigh's avatar

It has never influenced my decision. I have had both male and female animals (mostly dogs) and have appreciated both. In my experience the male dogs have always been that little bit more affectionate until I got my current Staffy, Zara who proved just as affectionate, if not more. As for leg humping, once they have been done I have rarelyhad a problem with this. My female Jack Russell, however, has been known to hump when trying to be dominant!!

jazmina88's avatar

I rescued a male and he sprays. I love females, but this one chose me.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@jazmina88 is he fixed? Altered cats rarely spray unless something is wrong.

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