General Question

flo's avatar

If someone doesn't like you, how do you know without them having to tell you?

Asked by flo (13313points) December 7th, 2010

I am talking if you are in the presence of them often enough, not just once. I say you just know, you feel awkward, they don’t have to tell you. It is a gut thing.

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11 Answers

lonelydragon's avatar

Body language and othe nonverbal cues, such as tone of voice or the person giving you a nasty look.

wundayatta's avatar

@lonelydragon got to the heart of it! GA!

WestRiverrat's avatar

The clincher is when they come up to you and bust a full beer bottle over your head.

flo's avatar

@lonelydragon Right!
@WestRiverrat I need many answers to help someone who said “we don’t “get” those feelings… we create them”. See the last answer at:

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Kardamom's avatar

They might give a slight scowl and look you up and down and then turn their back on you.

They might tend to contradict everything you say (whether you are right or wrong)

They might talk to everyone else in the room except for you

They might disregard any ideas that you bring up (whether they are good or valid or not)

They might ignore you when you ask questions or try to give input into a conversation

They might make veiled sarcastic remarks or “backhanded” compliments to you

They might say “whatever” to anything you have to say and then move onto another topic quickly or move onto a conversation with someone else without responding legitimately to what you have said

They might say to you specifically “Thanks we don’t need any more help with this project.” Even though they just asked for volunteers or help or assistance

They might say to you that they’ve already found someone to do such and such a project, even though you might be the expert in the subject, they will disregard you

peteylove's avatar

Have you ever seen Juno?
If they give you the stink eye look than thats probably a clue that they don’t like you.

Paradox's avatar

Bad vibes from a person. The “gut instinct” rarely lies.

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john65pennington's avatar

Lonelydragon, we need more of your questions and answers on Fluther. great answer. jp

flo's avatar

Thanks everyone. Of course, it is a survival thing. It doesn’t even need to be asked really.

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