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Link's avatar

How can I make my website compatible across different browsers?

Asked by Link (327points) December 30th, 2010

How can I make my website compatible across different browsers. I found this website and I realize it has scripts that address current issues with older versions of Internet Explorer.

My problem is I don’t know where the heck to stick these scripts. Also, should I incorporate all the scripts avaiable so that my site displays the way I want it to look no matter what version of IE someone uses to view my site, or do I only need one script?

I’d also like it so that my transparent .png images display properly. How can I accomplish this?

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13 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

Your best approach is to just write your HTML, CSS, and script as generically as possible, rather than code different behavior for each browser, and then go through your site with all the different browsers. If the same code works with many different browsers, it’s pretty certain that it’ll work with whatever new browser comes along as well, and you don’t have to worry about a new browser coming along to break your site and write new code for it.

Link's avatar

Thanks but I’m no coder. All I know is HTML and CSS. I’m using Word Press, and I used Artisteer to create my template, so I’m stuck using software-created code/markup. Maybe one day in the near future I can go back to school and take computer science, or programming, or whatever disciplin teachers you to become a web designer, but for now I’ll need to stay a little bloated.

Vortico's avatar

The sole job of the author of QuirksMode is to address compatibility issues of CSS and DOM with many browsers. The compatibility tables on his website are the best on the internet, so keep the site handy for questions like these. It will tell you which HTML elements with specific Javascript and CSS will break under certain browsers.

Not_the_CIA's avatar

I code for Firefox. Chrome and Safari come next. IE can fuck off. Here are stats from one of my sites. They are actually pretty crazy.

I’m not sure what Chrome is reported as. So take those numbers with a grain of salt.

Link's avatar

@Not_the_CIA: I like your attitude, but since I’m not a good coder, I want to try my best to support as many browsers as possible. I’m a novice but I’m trying to hide that fact. Also I don’t want my site to looked jacked up (it looks like crap on my BlackBerry browser), so any help would be appreciated.

By the way, what do those stats represent? The number of hits your sites get and the browsers people use to view your site?

Not_the_CIA's avatar

The mobile thing is a bit of a bitch. I would use a separate CSS file for it. One for a computer won’t look good on a mobile.

Usually things work in IE. They are funky but most people don’t notice that it is not how I intended it to look.

And yes, That is what those stats mean. And keep in mind that they are tech savvy and don’t represent the normal distribution.

Vortico's avatar

@Not_the_CIA I just checked the User-Agent header in Chrome and founds that it sends
“Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_5; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.597.19 Safari/534.13”
I have no idea why it would do that, but maybe the Mozilla item includes Chrome.

tkrengel's avatar

if you are really interested in getting it right on all acreens, think about spending a few hundred dollars working with a proven professional web developer that also gets it when it comes to the mobile web and even apps.

ETpro's avatar

Run your site’s HTML code through the W3C Validator and fix the errors it displays. You can also validate your CSS with the W3C CSS Validator. That won’t help with earlier versions of IE, because it bungles valid code and only responds well to Microsoft proprietary markup. That hails from a time when Microsoft still dreamed of convincing the whole world that only Microsoft products “work” on the Web, and that instead of the WWW it should be the Microsoft Wide Web. I’m sure glad that blew up in their faces.

But valid code should work in all modern browsers. Hacks may be needed for earlier versions of IE that got the CSS box model wrong. I generally ignore them. Anyone still running IE 6 deserves all the grief they get from seeing strange, distorted looking websites. :-)

As to PNGs, you need JavaScript to make alpha channel semi-transparencies work in IE. A Google search will find you tons of free scripts, and the scripts only run on IE as needed, so they should not intefere with other browsers.

Link's avatar

@ETpro: I can find the script, just don’t know where to put the script. I’m guessing I just stick it in the header? Also, I guess you’re right about people who still use IE 6. From this point forward I will not develop to meet their needs.

@tkrengel: I’m thinking of hiring a proven web developer, but not looking to spend more than a $100. On second thought, if the processes is time consuming and an expert is difficult to find I guess I’ll have no choice.

@Everyone: Thank for the help dudes. You Fluther people are awesome.

ETpro's avatar

@Link Yes, put it in between the <head> and </head> tags, or load it as a file by calling it from within the head tags..

Link's avatar

Thanks again, dude. Sorry for the late reply lol.

kinkin7692's avatar

check this powered by blogger, its simple to make site in blogger

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