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eevo19's avatar

Cellphone backup battery code?

Asked by eevo19 (33points) April 9th, 2008 from iPhone

I heard there was a backup battery code you call to give yourself 50% more battery life if your phone is almost dead. It was something like # then a 4 digit number then * button and press the call button.

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4 Answers

giggles's avatar

I haven’t of anything like that, but if there was I would think it would be something along the lines of *batt# (*2288#) or *life# or something like that!! Because for Cingular the code to check your balance is *bal#. To check minutes you have left is *min#.

Well I’m not sure if its true or if its going to work!!, but I hope that I have helped in some way!!!! Haha

mcbealer's avatar

*3370# is what an email that went around at the end of last year said. Not sure, I’m scared to try it on my iPhone and screw it up. If you have T-mobile, it would be #3370# instead. Use either of these at your own risk. Hope they are what you’re looking for.

1999's avatar

answer is *8273# for any phone
im awesome check me out

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