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ETpro's avatar

How can I legally experience DMT before I die?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) February 24th, 2011

I am getting old. Before my last breath, I want to have my chance at meeting the elves in the machine. But I do not want to break the law to do this. Nor do I want to do it in a setting where losing all contact with objective reality for a time would put me at serious risk of harm or of harming anyone else. How can I legally and safely experience the effects of DMT?

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16 Answers

chyna's avatar

You should’ve done LSD as a teenager like half the baby boomers did. You missed your chance.~

El_Cadejo's avatar

Do you want an experience of pure DMT by itself or do you mind if its in the form of ayahuasca. If not, there are many clinics in South American countries and few other places around the world where you can go and take ayahuaca in a good environment. Most ive looked at are about a week long and cost around 1500–3000.

As per pure DMT you will sadly never legally get that experience. But being someone who had done it many times, I suggest you go a bit out of your way for the experience. It is quite literally a life changing experience when you do break through.

Fun music ^_^

El_Cadejo's avatar

@chyna btw comparing LSD to DMT is like comparing beer to everclear as far as hallucinogens go.

mammal's avatar

Good preparation, for transiting into the next life.

ETpro's avatar

@chyna I did do LSD many times. Also psilocybin and a whole host of other psychoactive drugs. But none of those compare to DMT.

@uberbatman I would be fine with the ayahuaca tea. Can you get enough that way to really meet the elves?

@mammal I’m not sure whether to take that as a serious answer or sarcasm, but I do believe from what I have read of the experience that if you meant it seriously, you are quite right.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Join the brazilan based church UniĆ£o do Vegetal. They consume a tea containing DMT as part of their religious services. In 2006 the Supreme Court ruled they should be allowed to import and consume the tea for religious ceremonies under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

ETpro's avatar

@Lightlyseared I will definitely look into that. Wow—look what it took to get me interested in joining a church. :-)

The_Idler's avatar

In the UK, at least, it is legal to buy DMT-containing plants, which can either be consumed with MAOIs (like in ayahuasca), or be used in an extraction. Bit of kitchen-chemistry, nothing too difficult, but please don’t attempt it unless you understand the mechanics of it. The extraction is illegal, btw.

ETpro's avatar

@The_Idler How eminently civilized of the British. I think I could much more easily handle a trip to the UK (used to live in East Grinstead, Sussex for a time) than to Brazil. I recognize a few words of Spanish and speak no Portuguese.

The_Idler's avatar

Also, British spiders are not the Minions of Satan, that they are in the Amazon.

I find the illegality of DMT to be the most preposterous of all prohibitions, considering it occurs naturally in the brain of every human…

ETpro's avatar

@The_Idler Perhaps it reveals truths that the landed gentry prefers the public never learn.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@ETpro you can buy the plants needed for DMT legally in the US as well. I know a few sites that will ship out to you, PM me about it if youd like them.

Ladymia69's avatar

This is not a drug to be taken lightly. You may not meet elves, but several demons that have held you back throughout your entire life, along with reenactments of any bad experiences you may have had. It’s not usually a fun trip, but it is cathartic, and does help. I have read an article about a writer who traveled to Peru to take ayahuasca. It’s pretty interesting, and from my research, it is pretty indicative of the type of trip that happens on the stuff.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Despite lots of bad experiences in my life, most of my experiences with DMT have left me with a feeling of overwhelming joy and happiness. Though some, have been rather dark but even still its not a scary feeling. Like once I felt I was in a void and everything was lost forever, my entire existence was nothing more than a lie. But it was odd, some would think to panic but I remember being swept over with this feeling of peace with everything and acceptance. It was really nice.

rOs's avatar

Well, you know making it is illegal.. I would never advocate it ; )

I was lucky enough to know some musicians that once had access to the “purest” DMT they had ever found. They played a hand drum and guitar to help get me in the correct mindset- it had a similar feel to this. They let me blast off right then, on their Persian carpet. Even though I had psychedelic experiences before, what happened next surprised me.

I left Ross and his friends in the room behind and went into a waking dream. It was an evocative journey of self-discovery. I briefly described this experience here, but it would probably require a conversation to do it justice (PM me if you’d like). Suffice to say it was epic, and it changed the way I perceive life in a very positive way.

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