Social Question

How can I get over my extreme fear of death?
I’m pretty young, only 14, but everyday the idea of death, and that unknown void crosses my mind everyday. I’m extremely scared of there being no state of existence and that you don’t think or breath, or even exist, for ever and ever and you don’t really do anything, and everything is black and doesn’t exist. I’m not religous whatsoever, so I don’t believe in Heaven or Hell. This problem has become serious, and it started roughly 2 months ago, and since then it’s all I ever think about. I get ferocious panic attacks every night, and I cry alot. I talk to my parents every night about it, and they try their hardest. Though it is obvious that they are beginning to become annoyed and frustrated with my constant anxiety attacks. They have tried to get me started in hobbies such as knitting and getting a job, but it still crosses my mind. They do not want me to see a doctor and they believe I can do this myself withouth taking medicine or taking therapy. It is very hard, and I don’t know if I can take this anymore. I have relationship problems with my father, and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.
I want to get over this as soon as possible, and it is one of my gretets fears. It would help me alot if I could jump this hurdle.
Thank you so much!