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lookingglassx3's avatar

What is the process of getting braces?

Asked by lookingglassx3 (2134points) April 6th, 2011

I’m at the orthadontist today. Last time I went, he made impressions but said he wanted me to come back later to see if my jaw had grown. So I think today, he’ll make some more impressions to see if my jaw has grown. After that, what happens? Do I have to wait for ages before my braces are ready? How often do I have to keep going back after I’ve got my braces? Also, if any of you are expert on teeth ;D how long would I need my braces for? I only have one or two crooked teeth, it’s just my bite that’s the problem. (: Thanks for the help:)

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4 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

He’ll make the impressions and talk to you about getting braces. Once the need for braces is identified and you agree to getting them, they put in spacers. Spacers go between your back teeth. You’ll have those for a week, then you go to get your braces fitted to your mouth. This is a pretty easy process. After you get your braces, you have to go about every 6 weeks to get them adjusted and checked out. If you just have a few problems with your teeth, then the most you’ll need your braces is a year. I had mine for 2 years. If you need any more information, I’d be glad to help. I had braces :(

Seelix's avatar

The orthodontist has to wait until your jaw has finished growing, because if it’s still developing, it’ll definitely affect the placement of the teeth in your mouth.

Sometimes bite problems (like an overbite) can be more complicated than crooked teeth, and might involve you wearing headgear (hopefully only at home!). When I had braces, I got the ones on top first, because my top teeth were in much worse shape than the bottom, then about six months later I got the bottom done. All told, it was close to two years before I had them removed.

Ask all these questions of your ortho – everyone’s mouth is different and requires different treatment. It’s not going to be fun, but your teeth will look awesome when it’s all over!

Nullo's avatar

Upon identifying need and appropriate placement, the orthodontist will glue brackets to your teeth (not everybody gets spacers) which he will then wire together. Like a puppeteer, he will use the wires to pull your teeth in the direction that you have all agreed is the right one. This causes them to loosen a bit, making them movable. They’ll re-set when there is no more pressure being put on them.

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