Social Question

Would you say crime of passion, temporary insanity, or vigilante vandetta?
You have sophomores ”Sadie” who has a BGF ”Linda” who has a freshmen cousin ”Belle”. Belle dates Sadie’s ex ”big popular jock on campus” (BPJOC). BPJOC spikes Belle’s drink at a party and carries her to a back room and has his way with her. She wakes hours later on a chaise lounge in her underwear by the pool dripping wet. She was asked if she remembered they all piled in the pool a la movies. She don’t buy it and figure something happened but can’t prove it. Rumor floats on the grapevine that a video of BPJOC and her having sex is circulating. A G/F of hers (Belle) takes a cell phone video of a boy playing the video not knowing he was being filmed. Belle is shown the grainy video and is pissed. She confronts BPJOC and he in his frustration said none of the other gals complained and rattles off a list of 6–10 girls Sadie being one of them. She confronts Sadie and asked if it was true. Sadie admits it, and when Belle ask Sadie why she didn’t warn her or say anything to shut BPJOC down Sadie says she didn’t want to have to explain it to her folks because she wasn’t suppose to be at the party it happened anyway. A few days later Belle goes to Sadie’s job and when she (Sadie) takes her break beckons her in back of the restaurant and thrashes Sadie brutally with a golf club she lifted from her father. She then went after BPJOC but was caught before she found him. When asked why she did it she said she snapped because she felt nothing would have happened to her if Sadie had spoke up or warned her, they had met on 6–7 different occasions and she knew what BPJOC was about but said nothing. If you were in the box (jury) would you go with she snapped? Would you say it was a crime of passion? She snapped a little bit? She was so hurt and angry it made her temporarily insane and she didn’t really know what she did in a rage?