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citizenearth's avatar

How to rear baby slider turtles at home?

Asked by citizenearth (781points) April 27th, 2011

I am rearing 2 baby yellow-eared sliders in a small-sized aquarium tank. I am considering getting 2 more similar baby sliders to make it 4 numbers of baby sliders altogether. What is the recommended tank size to rear these sliders? What is the recommended food for them so that they have sufficient nutrients and therefore healthy lives?

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1 Answer

BarnacleBill's avatar

Slider turtles can grow up to 11 inches in size, and need materials to burrow in. In nature, they like wet, slimy areas. Four turtles in one tank is probably too many. You need to keep the water in the tank very clean, as their waste can lead to you contracting salmonella. You should feed them live goldfish, stick foods, lettuce and other green vegetables. A heat lamp in the tank, along with a rock where they can “sun” themselves would keep them happy.

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