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chyna's avatar

What signifies the beginning of summer for you?

Asked by chyna (51694points) May 28th, 2011

I have poison ivy and saw the first fireflies last night. It is officially summer! What does it for you?

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19 Answers

janbb's avatar

The first burgers on the grill and the opening of the best seasonal ice cream parlor. Als, all the “bennies” (summer people) coming in from out of town.

rebbel's avatar

My search for my sunglasses.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Turning on the ceiling fan in my living room, and the first lightning bugs. Yesterday for both!

Cruiser's avatar

Taking the boat out. Did that 3 weeks ago so maybe that better signifies spring! Full bloom in my yard and putting up the hammock would be a more accurate summer icon for me!

AmWiser's avatar

The lonnng days.
Cars with their tops down.
Sipping wine out on the patio.
And then there are the bugs. Dammit!

marinelife's avatar

The sound of the summer insects performing their evening symphony.

HungryGuy's avatar

When the weather outside becomes so hot that I’m trapped inside 24/7 with the A/C buzzing.

Coloma's avatar

Oh yes, the poisen Oak over here too! lol

Mostly the lengthening daylight. Was still twilight at 9:30 last night.
I was standing in my driveway watching the bats of summer flying around against the purple-blue background of the sky.

And, because I live in a major tourist area, the rafting and camping crowds are in full throng right about now.

I drove up to my little local market last night around 8:30 and the parking lot of one of our cafes with live music outdoors was packed!

I thought ” Oh WOW, Marco’s is rockin’ tonight, that’s RIGHT, tis the season again!” lol

gailcalled's avatar

Poison Ivy has appeared here also. I am pouring pots of boiling water on the roots when I have the energy.

Black flies are biting ferociously.

Hornets building nests in the corners of my screens.

And I too am using my ceiling fans.

Toads are out and behaving perfectly in order to provide Milo with an exercise unit that doesn’t include me (or corpses).

Peonies and irises are about to open.

Coloma's avatar


” Toads are out” haha

I have a big Toad that lives in my garage, he comes out every night,
I leave the door open so he can go out and hunt, and then, return to his digs behond the washer and dryer.

He has been in my agarge for 3 years now.
I don’t have the heart to relocate him.

rock4ever's avatar

When it reaches 90 degrees for 2 days in a row and doesn’t go down past 80 during the day.

john65pennington's avatar

When my hummingbirds arrive and drink nectar from a hanging bird feeder in my yard.

I know then, that it is time to switch my heating unit to an air condition unit.

They arrived early this year and the hot weather has followed them to Tennessee. In the 90s, for the next 10 days.

ucme's avatar

When Wimbledon fortnight begins.

jca's avatar

The smell of barbecue.

Watermelons in the supermarkets.

Pool toys in the toy stores.

Night time weather still hot.

YARNLADY's avatar

I like to live where there is very little noticeable differences between the seasons.

flutherother's avatar

@Coloma Does the toad in your garage look anything like this

Brian1946's avatar

When it’s warm enough for me to wear shorts all day long.

We’ve had one or two days that have reached 90+º this year. One of those days was May 3. Even though the high for that date was 95º, the night time low was 45º, so no shorts for me that day.

Berserker's avatar

Mosquitoes, short nights, muggy weather that makes my hair look like ass, hot buff dudes with sexy tans and no shirts on, hot chicks with wicked cool short daisy dukes, ice cream parlours and drinking beer on terraces.

Plus not being able to bury myself in blankies and pillows when I go to bed. That sucks.

kritiper's avatar

Pretty girls in skimpy clothes.

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