How will you be spending your 4th today?
Asked by
SamIAm (
July 4th, 2011
Yay for holidays! Especially ones that mean no work!
The 4th of July always means friends and family being outside – eating, drinking, playing. Today, I’ll be heading to one of the best parks in the country, in a long flow-y dress and with a Frisbee in tow. Will probably grab some beers and some sandwiches and play in the sun for a while. Weather says sunny and 71! Woohoo!
What are you up to today? Does this year differ from years past? How? What does the 4th of July mean to you? What about for all the non Americans here?
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25 Answers
Normally I’m out with the family at a cookout and watching fireworks. But today, I am sick! :(
I’ll be lazing around in bed. I took the day off from school as I’m not feeling well either.
( I took the day off because of the 4th of July too. See how much I love you yankees?)
Yo Kate, want some tea?
I live in Spain, so we dont have a 4th of july. It goes from 3rd to 5th directly. :P
I will be going out to dinner with a friend more than likely.
My family always hosts a neighborhood party potluck where everyone brings desserts and we combine our firework stashes and light em’ up. But we did that on Saturday. So today we are relaxing until dinner, when we’ll go have a picnic and see the big firework display at a huge outdoor amphitheater nearby. It’s always fun.
BBQ,bikeride and watching the fireworks from the boat with a cold brew.:)
Watching the Twilight Zone marathon on tv.
Working. People with no friends or family (or just want to waste a day of their lives) will come into our dealership to ask for test drives in cars they have no intention or ability to buy. It’ll be another day around 115 degrees, making everyone’s moods the very best. These people will get cranky when told there’s no free bottled water and then directed to the reverse osmosis water machines, they’ll whine about not seeing any free snacks laid out or enough stale popcorn left over in the machines from the night before.
Our bosses will order in fancy food for lunch, for themselves. The rest of us will daydream about being home or out with friends and family, BBQ’ing, swimming, visiting and looking forward to a fireworks display of some sort. If we’re lucky then the store will close early enough we can still see some fireworks in the sky from somewhere.
Usually we have fireworks, and burning effigies of the founding fathers, along with a nice bit of demonic chanting and tea-drinking. Occasionally, we have light-hearted competitions, using that one night to see who can get the most Chinamen hooked on Opium, or trick the most Muslims into licking pork fat, or make the largest profit from trading in human lives, or take control of the largest proportion of the land area of the globe using only 12 glass beads, a stiff upper-lip, and 200 ships-of-the-line. Proper family fun.
UV’ing my spaceship, naturally
Driving around the English countryside.
Bike ride, gardening, shopping, hammocking, bar-b-que, boating on the river, bomb making, jamming, bomb igniting, running away….
I’m going to an antique sale with my mom and grandparents, and then out to eat. After that, I may be going shooting with my best friend since elementary school.
Later, I’m going to visit my friend at work who is working a double. Me and her usually shoot fireworks together, and this is the first year she’s had to work, so I’m gonna give her a surprise visit.
Tonight, I’m probably going to blow some stuff up in my front yard.
Here in Iceland there is no 4th of July haha.
Since morning I have just been laying around being lazy, though I’ve been blogging and reading a lot of blogs. I am eating alot and I should really keep watch of what I eat. I have no job so the rest of July I will always be hanging around at home doing nothing.
Did the big community blowout fireworks, craft fair, carnival, food booths, live bands and beer tents in the park Saturday with friends, was there from 1pm til midnight. I am wiped out! haha
Had a Fluther cocktail party last night and today my daughter and her bf are coming over later for dinner on my deck and a float in my ice cold ‘hot’ tub.
I am hoping she will bring me a ‘Happy Brownie’. No Happy brownies for a few months now, sounds fun! lol
Nothing much. We bought groceries. He had a huge steak; I , the weirdo, had snak ramen with cabbage in it. Then we’ll both have rainbow sherbet. I will sit out on the patio until it gets to 88 degrees; underneath that temp it’s fine. I like the view out there. I wish I had my friend’s house high up on a hill overlooking the city. She can watch fireworks from up there. I’d Love that. But she won’t enjoy it; her mom is in the hospital.
My family didn’t want to come over. Gives you a warm fuzzy to think of , huh?
Oooh, I have Rainbow Sherbet too! :-D
You’re not a weirdo, I LOVE cabbage in ramen soup. Mmmm!
Well ; thank you Coloma !!!! Kikkoman makes a delicious “Ginger Teriyaki” sauce I put in it too.
Working, unfortunately. :(
So what did everyone actually do on their 4th?
I wound up drinking a beer milkshake and I watched one of those huge mortar shells prematurely explode about 5 feet off the ground. It engulfed an entire redneck family. Nobody was hurt, but I lol’d heartily.
I ended up staying in bed and texting people, ate a cupcake, drank, and stayed up all night. Pretty uneventful!
A beer milkshake? That sounds intriguing.
My actually 4th was going to be having dinner with my daughter and her BF but they ended up making other plans, which was fine with me after my big Saturday celebration.
I sat in my ice cold hot tub and had a few Pacificos to beat the heat and put the garden hose over my head while the geese puddled around on the patio. A fine evening it was.
@Coloma it was Guinness Extra Stout blended with chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream and topped with whipped cream and Bailey’s. It was beyond awesome.
@Coloma TGIF has them for like 6 bucks.
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