How readily will you get angry if someone's driving a little under the speed limit? Do you think your reaction is the norm?
Asked by
Mariah (
August 5th, 2011
Do you get road rage easily at slow drivers? Do you think your rage level is average, or are you more or less angry behind the wheel than your average person?
Please note I’m not talking about your reaction to dangerous drivers. Just kinda pokey ones.
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41 Answers
I ride my bike around you asshole drivers.
Oh come on, I don’t mean THAT slow! XD
I am the asshole slow driver.
@incendiary_dan Me too, and I’m always scared of invoking road rage. That’s why I’m asking this!
I used to get red hot mad…then I tried driving the speed limit one day to work and I got there in the exact same amount of time. Spent LESS time at traffic lights too and now got to wave at all the drivers waving at me!! It was nice.
Nah, I’m fine with pokey drivers, but I’ve never been susceptible to road rage. Leaving early for appointments and carrying a book or magazine becomes a few minutes of an unexpected delight if there is no delay.
@Mariah You could get an NRA sticker for your car. Then few people will give you crap, even if they’re pissed at you. I’m not even a member and they sent me a sticker. I don’t think I’ll put it on my car until I move out of MA, though. :P
I don’t know how other people feel, but my anger is almost instant. Depending on my mood and how slow I’m going, I’ll tailgate, or flash my brights at night. This is after I’ve waited patiently for a few minutes and this is also only when they are blocking the fast lane. Once I get around them, I’ll also cut them off, and once I’ve break checked them to send the final message.
If we’re on a one lane, I can’t do anything about that, but please think about the people behind and go 10 over at least.
Personally, I don’t think being angry at how someone else is driving is mature or logical.
I am not a reactionary person. My husband is. He needs to utilize his catastrophe scale while driving. ;)
It happens here all the time and it doesn’t matter if it’s the right,middle, or left lane. Someone will have clear road ahead of them and be driving at exactly 5MPH below the speed limit. Usually more than one someone.
Drives me nuts, but that’s what passing is for.
I don’t drive, but sit in the front on the passenger seat. Me and my dad usually do get quite angry at slow drivers, and curse at them too.
I think I get my temper from my dad, tee hee.
Two drivers were on the interstate, one behind the other. Vehicle in front was an automobile. Vehicle in the rear was a huge dump truck. Vehicle in front had been poking along for a long time, around 55 mph, according to driver of vehicle in the rear. The posted speed limit is 70 mph. Both approach a big curve and driver of vehicle behind, loses eye contact with vehicle in front. Front vehicle slows down to 50 mph and vehicle in behind speeds up to 65 mph. Behind vehicle rams into the rear of front vehicle. No injuries. Both drivers are cited. Front vehicle for impeding traffic and behind vehicle for following too close.
Truck driver did have a few foul words for driver in the front.
It only pisses me off if theyre driving slow in the left lane. I have no problem with someone if they want to drive slow but serious GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE. It’s for passing.
Fuckin Pennsylvania drivers are the worst with this shit. They come into NJ get in the left lane on a high way and do 45
Though once I get around the offending vehicle the anger dissipates immediately, I may yell and scream in my car but I never turn it into a situation of real road rage.
As long as they stay in the loser lane Link
I don’t care.
If you are in the ‘fast lane’ and won’t move and you are holding everyone who wants to drive faster (or even at the speed limit!) up, I do find such drivers painful and frankly, dangerous.
My friend was jogging and heard a loud speaker say, “Pick it up! The speed limit is 55!” It was a cop talking to the driver in the fast lane.
Oh I wish there were more of those cops around on my way to and from work @Judi.
My husband used to be a flasher… no, not one of those flashers!! One of those arrogant twats who drive up behind people and flash at them to move out of the fast lane if they are driving slowly. I think I have him retrained (at least when I am in the car).
I’m one of the few people I know who drives the posted speed limit, sometimes 5mph over, but that’s it. I get angry at the people who risk my life by making stupid moves to go around me. I’m not talking about those who legally pass me, but the stupid idiots who pass in no passing zones or there is another car coming in the other direction that is too close for comfort. It happens at least once a week. I had a young girl pass me today on the right hand side when two lanes were merging. She passed me on the shoulder once the lanes had merged. I secretly wish for a cop to appear at times like this.
I smile at people when I see them in the rear view mirror and I can see their face turning red with anger. Why such anger when you’ll just save maybe 30 seconds or 1 minute if you drive a bit faster?
and for anyone about to give me a hard time for driving the speed limit, I live in a very rural community, not a city where it is common to speed. We just have country roads and two lane highways with farmers and their equipment on the roads all the time.
@Bellatrix ; Our town was set up really well. Most of the streets are 55mph and 2–3 lanes each way and our and the neighborhoods are all walled so kids can’t run out onto any main streets. When people come from out of town they freak out that we zip through town so fast.
I have kind of a lead foot, to be honest. I get kind of antsy when I am stuck behind someone who is only driving a few MPH over the speed limit, except in residential areas and school zones then I am a good girl and get pissed at people who speed. No killing children or animals with your car, thank you. I don’t weave in and out or drive aggressively but that lead foot… I have slowed down a little as I’ve gotten older and since I received my speeding ticket in Ohio, my first one in 23 years, I realize that I am apparently not the invisible, Teflon speeder that I have mostly always been and that has slowed me down too.
I get more angry at the speeders, and the damn drivers who come up really fast behind me, then tail-gate me for several blocks on purpose. With slow drivers, I just pass them when I can, but I don’t get angry at them. A little annoyed, yes, but not mad. I can’t knock them for taking their time. Impatience is the cause of a lot of life’s problems.
I consider myself pretty low on the scale of angry drivers. But, being behind someone going well below the speed limit can make me sick to my stomach. On the highway I just want slow drivers to stay right, if they are in the left lane I am pretty annoyed because it isn’t safe. On local roads very close to my house, my local roads are one lane each way with no shoulder and rarely straight, so visibility is not great, no one should be speeding.
It annoys me more when people fail to signal, and don’t go on the green, especially when it is a turning arrow and people who tailgate.
I mostly enjoy taking a walk while others drive slow. I never wanted to get my license just because I enjoy looking at the sights. Usually the roads [unless to many curves] have a lot of places where one can do an overtaken.
Since I’m not the driver I don’t get angry. Even if I was to be one I wouldn’t get angry because I can never know for sure why the other driver doesn’t use more speed. [he can have carsickness / he might be having a phone call etc]
And what’s with slowing down to pass a truck anyway??? It’s safer to get past them but some drivers seem frozen in fear and slow way down when passing a truck.
@Judi I think maybe the driver has some sort of claustrophobia type reaction in the lane. They get nervous that there is no room for error maybe? Not sure, just a guess.
Slow drivers may cause me to roll my eyes and say ”come on” in my head every so often but I don’t get road rage with them, even if they do irritate me somewhat. If I can overtake them I will do so, if not, there’s nothing else I can do until they turn off.
Im doin a hundred on the highway, so if you do the speed limit get the fuck outta my way. Move bitch get out da way :P
I’m with @Leanne1986
Once in awhile someone is going so slow it is annoying and I think to myself ” ramp it up grampa” haha
Usually it is rare for to feel anger while driving, and if I do, I know I’m in a grumpy mood. lol But…always a ‘but’..haha I DO get angry when people are driving recklessly and almost hit me or someone else.
The stretch of highway down to the river and state park in my area is a good example. Going down the hill people are often passing slower moving trucks on the uphill grade and I have come a round the bend on several occasions to be staring at an oncoming car in my lane in the middle of a passing move.
On the way back UP from the river canyon people ( lots of tourists ) will be either driving very slow and sightseeing, going maaaybe 35–40 in a 55 zone, or, my favorite…. if I am behind a big truck or rafting bus, whatever, who is driving on the shoulder to allow passing room, the people behind me will be chomping at the bit for me to make my move so they can do a triple passing move of the entire parade of cars behind me.
It may piss ‘em off, too bad, I am NOT going to make MY move on a curve, or upcoming curve! Often, if I don’t get a safe chance to pass I just follow along, shift down to 3rd gear and cruise on up the hill.
I’m pretty patient for living in a tourist town. :-)
I don’t get mad. I just deal with it however I need to. Well, I take that back. It pisses me off when drivers follow nose to tail on a highway so that NO ONE CAN PASS. It also pisses me off when people come flying up on me…..then slow down and never take the opportunity to pass. But I don’t get pissed over little things.
I was thinking about this today and I realized that even if Im going way over the speed limit and a car is approaching me from behind I’ll speed up a bit and move over to allow that person to pass. Why cant more people be like this?
A bit off topic, but basic driver consideration, I HATE when people take the first pump at the gas station and prevent you from pulling in. Just move UP would’ya? LOL
@uberbatman Why do you speed up? I’ll move over just a bit so that they don’t have to cross the center line to see ahead of me….but I don’t speed up.
I was also thinking about this question today. I was traveling to the nearest town to go shopping. I was doing 60mph in a 55mph zone. A person was traveling behind me then passed me when he had a chance. Once he passed me he was traveling just as fast as I was. I actually had to press on my brakes. Once we entered town and the highway turned to two lanes, he stayed in the left lane and I stayed in the right. I ended up several cars ahead of this person.
My question- Why do people pass, then go the same speed limit (or even slower) than the person they passed? I’ve had people pass, then slow down. wtf?
Sounds like my roads up here. I think it’s a control thing. The ‘I HAVE to be first’ I have to WIN!
Narcissists on wheels. lol
@Coloma That’s got to be it. Not long ago I had an old man and his wife pass me and I had to slow down once he passed me. We traveled for 5 miles and he ended up driving slower than the posted speed limit. I couldn’t pass him because of oncoming cars and no passing zones. He then made a turn and flicked his cigarette butt out the window. bastard!
My Mom used to bitch about people passing her then slowing down. Well, on a drive between here and another town a few years ago I pointed out to her that when people passed her she’d speed up! She got really angry with me, saying that wasn’t true. I shut up and spent the next 15 minutes watching the speedometer fluctuating between 45 and 65.
Yeesh. Sorry guys, but most of these answers are scary. Road ragers, why the profound and angry impatience? I’m a nervous driver and going a bit under the speed limit helps me feel more in control. People getting pissed at me just makes me more nervous and is likely to make me slow down even more.
@Dutchess_III I wasnt clear enough. i meant if there is someone in the right lane I will speed up so I can get over and allow them to pass.
IC @uberbatman. But what are you doing in the left lane to begin with?
I drive a very large 2 trailer transport truck for a living,and have to deal with slow tourists in motorhomes almost as large as my transport,and these people have no clue on as to how to drive them,and most of the time are going 5 to 10 kph under the posted speed limit, and you know I don’t want to push anyone over their comfort limit, but when these idiots come to a straight stretch or passing lane ,they at that time floor it and speed up to 20 kph over the posted speed limit, only to slow back down to the speed they were traveling at, leaving everyone behind wanting to down right KILL them.
Now after that run on sentence that drives the mods super crazy, all I am trying to say if your a slow driver, then do not impede traffic stay in the slow lane,and let the faster traffic by at your first chance when it is safe to do so,some of us are at work on the road and we have time tables to keep.
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