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ucme's avatar

Why will my boomerang not come back?

Asked by ucme (50047points) August 9th, 2011

Okay so it’s like this, my aunt recently came back from a trip to Australia & guess what she brings me back?.........Yep, a “bendy stick.”
Quite why she thought i’d want one is beyond me, but it’s the thought that counts right?
Anyway, I took the dawg for her walk earlier, my daughter & the boomerang in tow. I chucked the bloody thing & just fell to the ground, no return journey whatsoever.
Time & again I tossed it, much to my daughters amusement, the dawg looked bemused by the whole sorry episode. I may snap it into a million pieces, (yes i’m THAT petty.)
What am I doing wrong people? Is it the wind? Wrist action? I’m useless? Tell me now!!!! ;¬}

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