Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If humans find a way to stop or divert storms and hurricanes, would it have negative effects on Mother Nature?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29320points) August 24th, 2011

Just wondering. Thanks!

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6 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Yes, weather has the effect of acting as an equalizer. The earth is constantly in a state of equilibrium, and stopping weather patterns would have disastrous effects.

marinelife's avatar

Oh, yes! Weather, even disasters play a role in nature. Floods scour out bodies of water’s channels. Hurricanes affect trees and the Everglades, forest fires clear out debris. Every disaster has lots of benefits in the natural world.

chyna's avatar

Yes, for every action, there is a reaction.

wundayatta's avatar

Everything that any creature does has an effect on “mother nature.” After all, we are all part of nature. And every action we take affects something, whether it’s air or mountain.

deni's avatar

Yes. Oh my god. Humans are so stupid. I’m sure we’ll be trying to do this in a matter of years….....i hate us.

josie's avatar

No. Mother Nature is invincible. Mother Nature wrote the rule book. We play the game. There is no way human beings can have a negative effect on Mother Nature. When, someday, humanity is long gone, Mother Nature will still be here.

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